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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2000 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

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SUMMARY: The research of the diameter growth and of the hight of the
trees in the oak and hornbeam community, as well as of that of oak with
Genista tinctoria and Carex remotae include the measuring of the trees in the
stands of the 5"´ age class in apart of the basin of the river Česma.

Based on the analysis of the measurement data, the following conclusions
can be made:

1) Through a dendrochronological analysis the existance of the changes in
the growth of the oak and ash trees in the period between 1964 and 1993
was identified. The increment had a positive growing trend in the first two
decades, while in the third decade the oak trees still grow well and the line
of the equation constantly runs paralel to the x-axis. In comparison between
the two directions of the growth of the oak we can see bigger increment
in community in the oak and Genista tinctoria in the period between
1964-1973. In the next period between 1974-183 and 1984-1993 the values
of increment of oak trees were bigger in typical forest of the pedunculate
oak and hornbeam.