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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2000 str. 70     <-- 70 -->        PDF

Šumarski list br. II 12. CXXIV-(2()()()). 6X7-692

1. J e d 1 o v s k i, D., ( 1976): Venecija i šumarstvo Dal8.
M eštr o vić , Š., (1973): Gefara project (Idejni promacije
od 15 do 18 vijeka, Disertacija, Split jekt plantaža eukaliptusa za Libiju), Zagreb
2. Ka ude rs, A., (1983): Šumarska enciklopedija, Za9.
M eštro vić , Š., (1977): Značaj šumskih kultura u
greb, II. izdanje knjiga 2 str. 81 - 84 primorskom području krša, Šum. list br. 8-9; str.
3. Krpan, R., (1946): Šumarski priručnik I - Zagreb, 382-385, Zagreb
str. 725-741 10. Tomašević , A. (1995): Višegodišnji rezultati is4.
Matić , S., (1982): Načini pošumljavanja, Priroda traživanja uspjeha pošumljavanja u kršu alepbr.
8 Zagreb
skim borom (Pinus halepensis Mili.), crnim borom
(Pimis nigra Arn.) i primorskim borom (Pi

5. Matić, S., Prpić, B., (1983): Pošumljavanje, Penus
pinaster Aif.) kod tri različite metode pripre

trinja str. 1 - 77

me tla za pošumljavanje. Šum. list 119 br. 7 - 8;

6. Matić, S., Anić, I., Oršanić, M., (1977): Postr.
227-236, Zagreb
dizanje, njega i obnova šuma kao temeljni pre

11. Tomašević , A., (1997): Povijest pošumljavanja
duvjeti ekološkog, društvenog i gospodarskog

na otoku Visu, Šum. list 121 br. 9 - 10; str. 515

napretka mediterana Šum. list br. 9 - 10; str. 473

526, Zagreb

478, Zagreb

7. M eštr o vić , Š., (1964): Primjena mehaničke obrade
tla pri podizanju šuma u oblasti Mediterana,
Šum. list 3-4, Zagreb
SUMMARY: The paper deals with the method of protection of the seedlings
during the reforestation in the Mediteranean area. It has dual protection: on
the ground with the plastic co ver and around the seedling with the plastic tube.

The plastic tube 50 cm in diameter covering the soil around the seedling,
should be covered by the thin layer of soil and small stones. The cover prevents
from drying up of the soil and from the growth of the grass vegetation around
the seedling.

Solid plastic tube 30-40 cm wide at the top and 5-10 narrow at the bottom
with its height 30-40 cm above the ground, protects the plant from the wind
blow and the sun and in this way the quality of precipitation around the stem of
the seedling is increased. Its special function is to protect the root collar of the
plant from inflammation.

3-4 years later, depending on the growth of the plant, the tube and the cover
are to be removed. To make it easier the tube cut should be longitudinal and
the cover cut should be made across.