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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2001 str. 49     <-- 49 -->        PDF

M. Karlović: PRVA HRVATSKA LOVAČKA IZLOŽBA U INOZhMSTVU (BUDIMPEŠTA, 1896) Šumarski list br. 3 4, CXXV (2001 ) 169-175
Anon. (1896g): Hrvatski trgovci na milenijskoj izlolb
1er, J., Heinz, A., Krištof, R.,iKöröskenyi
žbi. Narodne novine, 62 ( 172) 2-3. V. (1892): Šumarstvo. U: Gospodarsko-šumar

Barišić , P. (1896a): Šumarske viesti sa milenijske ska jubilarna izložba Hrvatsko-slavonskoga gosizložbe
u Budimpešti (I). Šumarski list, 20 (7) podarskoga družtva u Zagrebu godine 1891. Zagreb
(173-185). Izdavač: Vlastita naklada. Tisak:

Tiskarski zavod "Narodnih novina".

B a r i š i ć, P. ( 1896b): Šumarske viesti sa milenijske iz

ložbe u Budimpešti (II). Šumarski list, 20 (8) Kesterčanek , F. Ž. (1896a): Njegovo veličanstvo

323-334. kralj u družtvenoj izložbi. Lovačko-ribarski vi

estnik, 5(6)61-62.

Barišić , P. (1896c): Šumarske viesti sa milenijske izložbe
u Budimpešti (III). Šumarski list, 20 (9-10) Kesterčanek , F. Ž. (1896b): Naša izložba u Budim389-
406. pešti. Lovačko-ribarski viestnik, 5 (8) 90-92.

Ettinger , J. (1897): Hrvatski lovdžija. Priručnik za Kesterčanek , F. Ž. (1896c): Jošte jedna o izložbi
lovce, šumare i sve prijatelje lova. Zagreb. Str. lovstva u Budimpešti. Lovačko-ribarski viest

286. Izdavač: Naklada knjižare Lav Hartmana. nik, 5 (10) 109-110.
Ettinger , J. (1898): Šumarsko-lovački leksikon. ZaKesterčanek
, F. Ž. (1896d): Lovstvo. Priručnik za

greb. Str. 440. Izdavač: Naklada kr. sveučilišne lovce i poučnik za nadzirače lova u Hrvatskoj i

knjižare Franje Suppana. Tisak: Antun Scholz. Slavoniji. Zagreb. Str. 350. Izdavač: Naklada kr.
Frković,A . (1996): Hrvatsko lovstvo na milenijskoj hrv.-slav.-dalm. zemaljske vlade. Tisak: Kr. zeizložbi
u Budimpešti 1896. godine. Šumarski maljska tiskara.
list, 120(9-10)437-439. XXX (1896): Die Königreiche Kroatien und Slavonien

Frković , A. (1999): 100. obljetnica prve društvene auf der Milleniums - Landesausstellung des Köizložbe
rogovlja i lovačkih trofeja u Zagrebu. nigreichs Ungarn. Agram. Str. 476. Königl. LanŠumarski
list, 123 (9-10): 492-494. desdruckerei.

SUMMARY: The first hunting society in Croatia was founded in 1881.
However, it was the establishment of the new First General Croatian Hunting
and Fishing Society (1891) that gave an impetus to the flourishing of hunting.
This society was responsible for the first display of hunting exhibits at the
Agricultural-Forestry Exhibition in Zagreb (1891), the edition of the first
hunting magazine Viestnik, the first general Croatian hunting and fishing society
(1892), the passing of the Hunting Act (1893), the publication of
Kesterčanek ´s Hunting (1896), the participation at a large Millennium Exhibition
of the Hungarian Monarchy in Budapest (1896), the publication of Ettinger
s Hunters (1897) and the Forestry-Hunting Lexicon (1898). At the mentioned
exhibition in Budapest, Croatia presented its history, literature, agriculture
and cattle breeding, industry, communications, ethnography, forestry
and hunting. Croatia was represented by slightly fewer than 10,000 exhibitors,
of which 105 displayed several hundred hunting exhibits (stuffed game,
antlers, various hunting rifles and pistols, old-fashioned gunpowder-filled
horns, game traps and hunting devices). On the occasion of the exhibition, a
book was published in Zagreb containing data on all the exhibitors and exhibits.
Daily papers in Croatia and specialised magazines in Austria and Germany
reported on the exhibition.

Key words: the Millennium Exhibition of the Hungarian Monarchy
1896, Budapest, reviews of the exhibition, Croatian participation, the hunting
share of the exhibition