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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2001 str. 61     <-- 61 -->        PDF

J. Zelić: ULOGA DUDOVOG SVILAC´A (Bombyx mori) 1 BIJELOG DUDA (Monis alba) U SVILOGOJSTVU ... Šumarski list br. 7-8. CXXV (2001). 413-423
14. Radauš-Ribarić Jelka, Čarolija niti, Zbornik,
Muzejski prostor Zagreb, 1988.
Rolle r Dragan, Dubrovački zanati u XV. i XVI.
stoljeću, Jugoslovenska akademija znanosti i
umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1951.
Schneider-Jacoby Martin i Hatmut Ern,
Park prirode Lonjsko polje, Hrvatsko ekološko
društvo, Zagreb, 1993.
To Idi Zvonimir, Katalog izložbe u povodu 17.
Smotre folklora, Muzej brodskog Posavlja, Slavonski
Brod, 1980.
SUMMARY: Silk has long been known in Chine through the cultivation of
silkworm (Bombyx mori) and through the cultivation of mulberries (Morus
alba). Silk fabric from China has been exported to Europe since the 6"´ century.

Silk production first commenced in Eastern Mediterranean. Dalmatian
cities held primacy in this respect through their trade with southern Italy.
Under the Turkish dominion, in the urban areas silk was produced for fine
shirts, belts and scarves. Silk production was introduced to Croatia in the 18´h
century with the planting of mulberry trees (Morus alba). The deliberate agricultural
policies of Austrian authorities (mercantilism) were introduced into
the northern areas of Croatia, as well as western and eastern Slavonia.
Production was encouraged to meet the needs of manufacturing and to start
the silk industry.

Silk fabric was incorporated in the local folklore. Silk production sometimes
constituted part of peasant economy.

It is assumed that every cultural or ethnological phenomenon contains a
code of history, but also various codes of regional, ethnic, national, religious
and certainly social characteristics.

The issue of revitalising this industry is very topical today.
Silkworms (Mombyx mori) were raised in spring when mulberry trees
(Morus alba) on which they fed began to leaf The eggs, which had been kept
in a cold place, were then placed in a warm part of the house.
Key words : Silkworm (Bombyx mori), mulberry (Morus alba), silk production,
silk factory, economic silk production, silk as a cultural phenomenon