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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2001 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF


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ZAHVALA - Acknowledgement
Ovim putem zahavljujem mr. se. Biserki Juretić , mr. sc. Mati Jurkovi ć u i drugim djelatnicima
Botaničkog vrta PMF-a u Zagrebu koju su mi omugućili da obavim ova istraživanja.

SUMMARY: The time of the beginning, culmination and ending of the

flowering was recorded on some species in genus Aesculus L., Magnolia L.,
Malus Mill, Paulownia Siebold et Zucc. and Viburnum L. during 1998 and
1999 in the Botanical garden of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and
Mathematics University of Zagreb. It was noticed that some of the observed
species flower approximately at the same time every year. We are talking
about species which flower later in the spring and they are less affected by the
temperature in the second part of the winter. Some of the species flower one
year earlier than another, which depends on the beginning of the spring.
Those species flower at the end of the winter or earlier in the spring and they
are more effected by the warm period which can start in the second part of the
winter. The temperature affects the most time when the flowering begins,
while the culmination and the ending of flowering are the least affected. That
is, the culmination of flowering doesn´t always follow the earlier time of the
beginning of flowering. In this way the potential damage of plants caused by
low temperature is reduced.