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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2001 str. 23     <-- 23 -->        PDF

Bergmann , W. 1992: Nutritional Disorders of
Plants, Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena, Stuttgart,
New York

Glavač,V.,Koenies,H. iPrpić,B. 1985: O unosu
zračnih polutanata u bukove i bukovo-jelove
šume Dinarskog gorja sjeverozapadne Jugoslavije,
Šumarski list 9-10, str. 53-60.

Kalan , J. 1990: Obremenjenost gozdov z žveplom
leta 1989, Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva 36, str

Kalan, J.,Kalan, P. iSimončič,P. 1995: Bioindikacija
onesnaženosti gozdov z žveplom na podlagi
vsebnosti žvepla v asimilacijskih delih gozdnega
drevja, Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva
47, str 85-116.

Kaupenj ohann, M. et al. 1988: Sulphuric acid rain
treatment of Picea abies (Karst. L): Effects on
nutrient solution, throughfall chemistry, and tree
nutrition, Pflantzennahrung Bodenkunde 151,
str 123-126.

Kaupenjohann, M. et al. 1989: Mineral nutrition
of forest trees: A regional survey, Ecological
Studies, Vol. 77, str. 282-296.

Klapčić, S., Kopjar, D. i Vukelić, I. 1999: TE
Plomin 2 u pogonu: Ustrojstvo bloka 2, EGE 4,
str. 100-102.

Komlenović, N. i Pezdirc, N. 1987: Koncentracije
sumpora u Ušću nekih vrsta drveća u Istri i
Hrvatskom primorju, Šumarski list 5, str. 5-17.

Komlenović, N. i Gračan,J. 1989: Kritične vrijednosti
opterećenja sumporom idušikom, Šumarski
list, str. 363-371.

Komlenović, N., Rastovski, P. i Pezdirc, N.
1991: Odnos ishrane i oštećenosti obične jele
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području Fužina, Radovi, Vol. 26, br. 2, str.

Komlenović, N. i Rastovski, P. 1993: Novi rezultati
istraživanja o utjecaju imisija na šumske
ekosustave Republike Hrvatske, Radovi Vol. 28,
br. 1-2, str. 115-128.

Komlenović, N., Rastovski, P. i Novosel, D.
1998: Utjecaj sumpora i teških kovina na kulture
crnog bora (Pinus nigra Arn.) na području Rijeke
i istočne Istre, Prirodoslovna biblioteka 1, str.

Kropf, M. J. 1991: Long-term effects of S02 on
plants, S02 metabolism and regulation of intracellular
pH, Plant and Soil 131, str. 235-245.

Prpić, B., Komlenović, N. i Seletković, Z.
1988: Propadanje šuma u Hrvatskoj, Šumarski
list 5-6, str. 195-215.

Schätzte , H. et al. 1990: The Hohenheim Long-term
Experiment: Mineral Content in the Soil and
Tree Foliage, Environmental Pollutiion 68, str.

Seletković , Z. 1991: Utjecaj industrijskih polutanata
na običnu bukvu (Fagus sylvatica L.) u šumskim
ekosistemima slavonskoga gorja, Glas.
šum. pokuse 27, str. 83-196.

Sheppard , L. J. 1996: How Reproducible are the
Reactions of stress Indicators for Sitka Spruce
Treated with Acid Mist?, Phyton, Vol. 36, str.

Simončič , P. 1996: Odziv gozdnega ekosistema na
vplive kislih odložin s poudarkom na preučevanju
prehranskih razmer za smreko (Picea abies,
Karst.) in bukev (Fagus sylvatica L.) v vplivnem
območju TE Šoštanj, disertacija, Ljubljana

Simončič, P. i Kalan, P. 1996: Annual Pattern of
Sulphur Content in Spruce Needles from Heavily
and Less Polluted Areas, Phyton, Vol. 36,
str. 81-84.

Vukadinović, V i Lončarić, Z. 1998: Ishrana
bilja, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Osijek

Zech, W., Suttner, TH. i Popp, E. 1985: Elemental
Analyses and Physiological Responses of Forest
Trees in S02 -polluted Areas of NE Bavaria,
Water, Air and Soil Pollution 25, str. 175-183.

SUMARY: Concentration of S02 in the air is elevated near oil refineries
and power plants burning coal, as well as in other industrial and urban areas.
It has already been proven that the concentration of sulphur in plants is higher
when the atmosphere is S0: -polluted. TE Ploniin 2 was put in operation at
the end of year 1999. Diferrent to TE Plomin 1, it uses coal with substantially
lower percentage of sulphur, which should, in addition to desulphurization,
lead to considerably lower emissions of smoke gases.

One of the ways to establish deposition of chemical compounds into
ecosystems is using certain plant species as bioindicators. In this investiga