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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2001 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

N, Potočić. I. Selctković: UI VRĐIVANJH JACINK DhPO/ICIJh SUMPORA NA PODRUČJU IS I Rl lilOINDIk \( IJOM Šumarski hsl br. ´< I". ( \\\ (2i)n i. Is .. .., I

tion black pine fPinus nigra Arn.) was chosen as bioindication species for several
reasons: black pine stands can be found throughout Istria, it does not
shed needles in the autumn, and the needles are kept for several years.

The aim of this investigation was to determine the load of sulphur in forest
vegetation at various distances to TE Plomin 2.

1- and 2-year-old black pine needles from years J 999 and 2000 were collected
and analysed for total sulphur (St) using Leco S-analyser, and subsequently
the results were combined for statistical analysis.

The results are compared with the tables of critical St values proposed by
several authors.

Key words: SO, emissions, TE Plomin 2, desulphurization, critical
loads, bioindication, Pinus nigra