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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2001 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

S. Malić. Đ. Raušt, Z. Seletković, Ž. Spanjul, I. Anić. M. Oršanić, 1. Tikvić, D. Barićević: PRILOG POZNAVANJU ... Šumarski list br. 11-12, CXXV (2001). 583-598
SUMMARY: The Kornati Archipelago encompasses 149 island, islets and
reefs with about 320 km2 of island-maritime surface area. The islands themselves
cover about 69.5 km2. The present National Park of Kornati is made up
of 101 islands, islets and reefs totalling 224 km2 of the sea-island surface

The Kornati Islands have had the status of a national park since July 24"´
1980. At the start, a part of Dugi Otok - the Bay of Telašćica were also part of
the Park. However, lack of co-operation between the two Park administrations
of that time (one for the area of the Šibenik commune and one for that of
the Zadar commune), led to the exclusion of the 6,706 ha of the mentioned
area from the National Park and their proclamation into a park of nature on
March 24,h 1988.

Kornati and Telašćica are located in the eu-mediterranean vegetation belt
where the climatic zoned vegetation consists o/´Myrto-Quercetum ilicis.

The Kornati Archipelago may seemingly give an impression of a bare
stone area. The plant cover on all the islands consists of a given vegetation
type in some of the degradation stages of the climato-zonal vegetation.

The relationship of many centuries between man and nature (vegetation)
in the form of everyday living and agricultural activities (farming, cattle-
breeding) have made Kornati into a unique and inimitable region, resulting in
proclaiming the larger share of the Kornati Archipelago into a national park.

Reduced agricultural activities on the islands has enabled a spontaneous
progressive development of both holm oak forests ranging from pastures, garrigues,
maquis to coppices, and the successinon of pioneering pine species:
aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) and stone pine (Pinus pinea/

The only larger complex of holm oak forests in the coppice development
stage is found on the northern slopes of the island of´Kornat (about 50 ha).
Smaller remains of devastated holm oak forests can also be sporadically
found on the islands of Vođenja, Lovsa, Piškera, Veli Rašip, Žut, Balun and
Levrnak. Apartfrom the remains of holm oak forests, the cultures of aleppo
pine (Pinus halepensis) and stone pine (Pinus pineaj on the island of Levrnak
are also of importance. Aleppo pine as a pioneering species is gradually conquering
the surrounding area, so that its expansion onto other islands, such
as Zut, Provarsa and Katina, can be noted.

The Telašćica Park of Nature is characterised by the complexes of pine
cultures (Pinus halepensis) and partly by the forest of holm oak (Quercus

There is a fundamental "ecological" question of how to valorise this jewel
of nature. Proclaiming the Kornati Archipelago a national park, as well as
the nature protection activities in this area, have in fact "frozen" a century
long process which has made the Kornati into such a unique world phenomenon
and for which it has been proclaimed a national park in the first place.
The protection of the islands may in fact give rise to "an unavoidable paradox
". It may result in turning the Kornati into green islands.

The answer to this question involves passing radical decisions for the
future. The only solution entails a joint decision by scientists, the Kornati
managers and private landowners (95 % of the area is privately owned) and
the observation of national interests. This should be included into the
National Park spatial plan. Only a complex and integral evaluation can bring
together all interested parties with the aim of reserving the natural peculiarities
and uniqueness of the " cultural-civilised heritage of the area " within sustainable
development of agricultural activities to the benefit of autochthonous
population and numerous visitors.