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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2001 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

S. Viatic. Đ. Raušt. Z. Sclclkovic. / . Spanjoi. I. Anić, VI. Oršanić. I. Tikvić. D. Barićevič: PRILOG POZNAVANJU ... Šumarski list br. 11-12, CXXV (2001). 583-598
Since a major share of the Kornati Archipelago is protected under the
national park category, the Nature Protection Act defines what a national
park is and what activities can be undertaken in it. Afforestation over larger
arces is therefore out of the question. With regard to spatial evaluation of the
National Park, there are locations and zones where afforestation is permissible-
and even desirable. These are the zones of specific protection, that is,
multi-purpose zones with tourist and other agricultural locations and infrastructure.

The primary goal in the Kornati Archipelago is to preserve and protect the
natural aspect of the existing forest vegetation and prevent any devastation
and destruction (grazing, uncontroled fellings, fires). Not all islands within
the National Park are expected to be economically evaluated in terms of agriculture
and cattle-breeding. The succession of the vegetation will continue
with pioneering conifer species (pines) either through autochthonous elements
within the degradation stages of holm oak forests, such as garrigues,
maquis and coppices. The first task of the forestry profession is to preserve the
remains of the forests, and then to protect, tend and lead them to a better quality
and permanent stage (seed forests). Regardless of the protective nature of
the National Park, foresty scientists and experts, as well as biologists-ekologists,
should constantly be present there.

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