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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2002 str. 11     <-- 11 -->        PDF

Saniga , M , 1996: Struktura zmiešaneho lesa s 18. Zihlavnik , A., 1999: Vhodnost použitia tazboprevahou
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Lesnicky časopis - Forestry Journal (42), 2, sučasnom obdobi. Acta Facultatis Forestalis
s. 113-123.
Zvolen, XLI, s. 267-279.
11. Saniga , M., 1998: Optimalizäcia struktüry a rege-19 Zihlavnik , A., 2000: Fazbovä reguläcia v lesneracnych
procesov bukoveho vyberkoveho lesa. nych uzivatelskych celkoch s podrastovym hos-
Acta Facultatis Forestalis Zvolen, XL, s. 17-27. podärskym spösobom. Acta Facultatis Forestalis
Zvolen, XLII,s. 217-230.

12. Saniga , M , 2000: Prirode blizke pestovanie lesa
v kontexte prirode blizkeho lesneho hospodärst-20 Zihlavnik, A., 2001: Vhodnost použitia tazbova.
In: „Perspektivy rozvoja hospodärskej üpra-vych ukazovatelov v podrastovom lese. In: Suvy
lesov v SR". LF FU Zvolen, s. 97-100. časnost a nove smery rozvoja hospodärskej
üpravy lesov. LF FU Zvolen, s. 51-58.

13. Saniga, M., 2001: Problematika stanovenia vysky
tazby vo vyberkovych lesoch. In: Sučasnost a 21. Zihlavnik, S., 1991: Utilization of photinterprenove
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FU Zvolen, s. 45-49. daries. Lesnictvi, 37, s. 819-829.
14. Zihlavnik , A., 1982: Variantove riešenie tažbo-
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15. Zihlavnik , A., (ed.) 1993: Plochove tažbove
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Zihlavnik , A., 1997: Problematika a možnosti 24. Zakon č. 61/1977 Zb. o lesoch v zneni neskoršich
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stätnej spräve LH v zneni neskoršich predpisov.

17. Zihlavnik , A., 1998: Vyuzitie plochovych taz26.
Zäkon č. 229/1991 Zb. o uprave vlasnickych vztabovych
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štruktiirach lesa. Acta Facultatis Forestalis ku v zneni neskoršich predpisov.
Zvolen, XL, s. 185-196.
SUMMARY: The objective of this paper is to show the problems of felling
control at the present time in Slovakia concerning to the creation of new units
of cutting control, namely forest user´s units. It is possible to see the big irregularity
of their age structure and it has an influence on the balance of main
felling for a long time. Updated ownership and user relations to forest caused
changes in all spheres of forest management. Linking to these laws came to
the amendment of the Act no. 61/1977 Coll. on forests and of the Act no.
100/1977 Coll. on management in forestry and state administration of forestry.
The shelterwood system in production forests is preffered by this law.
According to the natural conditions the selection system is used and in
unavoidable cases it is possible to use the clear-cutting system.

Therefore, the paper is aimed at a method of mathematical models application
at near-natural forest management. An influence of various number of
age classes use on fluency of allowable cut indicators course during more
decades was valuated. The valuations were carried out at chosen set of forest
user s units formed according to their area to quantitative group in the range
of 100-250 ha. The obtained results confirmed the possibility of this method
application at tender silvicultural systems when determined conditions and
criteria are held on at more variants of calculation using.

words: felling control, allowable cut indicator, forest user s unit