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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2002 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

Oberdörfer , E., 1992. Süddeutsche Pflanzengesell- rozapadne Hrvatske. Glas. šum. pokuse 27, 1-76.
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Dinaric mountains. Acta Bot. Croat., 54, 47-62. ke raziskave. Biol. Vestn. 17, 69-78.

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kitnjaka (Quercus petraea Liebl.) u gorju sjeve-

SUMMARY: The mountain massif Maceljsko gorje, located in the northern
part of the Republic of Croatia, is covered mostly with the beech and oak
stands which belong to various forest associations. By the analysis of 264
plant taxons, it has been found out that in termsphytogeographical belonging
the plant world of the said massif can be placed best into the Central
European floral region.

Lately the climatic and edaphic factor means values are calculated using
various scales based on the original Braun-Blanquet ´s scale (1946). In
the interpolation of the original abundance/cover scale, some authors give
the priority to the plant species whose partipation in the phytocenosis structure
is insignificant, while the others prefer edificators too much. For calculation
of the ecological factor mean values, we have adapted the Braun-
Blanquet ´s (1946) improved scale, and this by multiplyng the mean interval
percentage values by the constant 10. In this way, have got rid of the decimal
comma and obtained a new scale with the range from 1 to 875.

Braun-Blanquet (1946) r + 1 2 3 4 5
Mean interval % values () 0,1 5 17,5 37,5 62,5 87,5
Modified scale 0 1 50 175 375 625 875

With this scale, we fully respect the original Braun-Blanquet ´s (1946)
principles, which here in Croatia have been accepted in their original form
and applied in thephytocenological researches. By using the aritmetical mean
of the average cover interval values, the etimation errors, which objectively
can occur in the use of the combined abundance/cover scale, are eliminated.

Many plant species grow as a part of the coastal and continental vegetations.
It is know that the species that in continental areas grow as apart of the
thermophile vegetation and are indicators of thermophility, in the Submediterranean
and the Mediterranean are indicators of mezzophility. For this reason,
evaluations oftaxon ecological factors should be adapted to the phytogeographical
regions. Such evaluations of ecological factors for individual
plant species would represent best the climatic and edaphic specificities of
particular phytogeographical regions. That will enable a better comparison
of the same syntaxons from distant areas.

Key words: Maceljsko gorje, ecological characteristic, habitat, plant
geographical division, modified scale.