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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2002 str. 14     <-- 14 -->        PDF

K. Pintarić: PROBLEM PREVOĐENJA BUKOVIH PANJAČA U VISOKE ŠUME Šumarski list br. 3 4, CXXVI (2002), 119-128
Stojanović , O. i dr., 1986a: Ekološko-proizvodne Stojanović , O. i dr., 1986b: Ekološko-proizvodne
karakteristike (proizvbodni potencijal), dugoro- karakteristike (proizvodni potencijal), dugoroččni
ciljevi i mogućnost proizvodnje drveta na ni ciljevi i mogućnost proizvodnje drveta na stastaništima
bukovih panjača hrasta kitnjaka u SR ništima bukovih panjača bukve u SR BiH. ŠuBiH.
Šumarski fakultet u Sarajevu, Istraživački marski fakultet u Sarajevu, Istraživački projekat,
projekat, Sarajevo. Sarajevo.

SUMMARY: The paper deals with the problem of conversion of beech coppices
into high forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where they take up
351,000 hectares. About one third of these forests occur in very good and
good soil conditions, but due to the very poor quality of the trees, the high
productive potential of the sites is not adequately utilised.

Despite the fact that the tree quality is very poor and the trees are frequently
attacked by the shoestring root rot fungus fArmillaria melleaj, there is
an adequate number of individuals of a relatively good quality. There are also
about 190 trees of seed origin per hectare and 27 trees of other species, which
gives good prospects that the application of tending treatments will convert
these beech coppices into high mixed deciduous forests within a relatively
short period.

In the sample plots subjected to selective thinning, the condition improved
after the first treatment. Continued thinning until the end of the productive
period (in 50-70 years) is expected to result in good production and quality of
the wood mass, leading to the application of one of the natural methods of
regeneration in these forests.

Thus, the current forests of poor quality will be converted into high mixed
deciduous forests in an economically justified manner.