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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2002 str. 39     <-- 39 -->        PDF

J. Cavlović & D. Kroner: OSOBITOSTI DEBLJINSKOG RASTA I PRIRASTA STABALA U SASTOJINAMA.. Šumarski list br. 3-4, CXXVI (2002), 145-153
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jasena (Fraxinus americana L.) i pensilvanskog (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) u različitim tipovijasena
(Fraxinuspennsylvanica Marshall) u Poma
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U: J. Kovačević & Z. Racz (ur.), Savjetovanje o like organisms on radial growth of naturally inPosavini,
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Osnova gospodarenja za Gospodarsku jedinicu "Klju2172-

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, M., 1960: Prilog istraživanjima u čistim i ška, Nova Gradiška, 1999.

mješovitim sastojinama poljskog jasena (FraxiOsnova
gospodarenja za Gospodarsku jedinicu "Po

nus angustifolia Vahl). Glas. šum. pokuse, 14: dložje" od 1999. do 2008. godine. "Hrvatske šu

259-313. me" p. o. Zagreb, Uprava šuma Nova Gradiška,
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posavskih šuma obzirom na broj stabala, ška, Nova Gradiška, 1999.
temeljnicu i drvnu masu. Glas. šum. pokuse, 14:

ZAHVALA - Acknowledgement
Na velikoj pomoći pri obavljanju terenskih istraži- Nova Gradiška, te Uprave šuma Nova Gradiška,
vanja zahvaljujemo se djelatnicima šumarija Stara i

SUMMARY: The research was carried out in two middle-aged mixed stands of
narrow-leaved ash and white ash aged 54 and 50 years in the area of the forest
offices Nova and Stara Gradiška. The recordings of stand structures in the locality of
the forest office of Nova Gradiška showed the mean stand diameter of 30.9 cm in the
54-year-old stand at an altitude of 94 m. In the locality of the forest office Stara Gradiška
situated 104 m above sea level, the mean stand diameter was 22.7 cm.

Samples of increment cores of 12 cm in length were taken for narrow-leaved ash
and white ash from the trees belonging to the diameter degree of mean basal area
trees. The increment cores were analysed by measuring the width of every individual
ring by a tenth of the millimetre. The thickness of the bark was also measured. The
results obtained from the analysis of the increment cores gave the trends in ring
widths for individual trees, as well as the trends in average ring widths within individual
samples in the last 35 or more years. Also, on the basis of the increment core
analysis, parts of the diameter growth curve of the mean stand tree for every studied
species were obtained. The method is described in the paper.

According to the results, the diameter growth was equal in both species in the first
period of life, that is, in the first 15 years, followed by a more rapid growth in the
diameter of narrow-leaved ash in relation to white ash. In other words, the diameter
increment of narrow-leaved ash was higher during the studied period, which indicates
better conditions for the growth of the autochthonous narrow-leaved ash.

Key words: narrow leaved ash (F. angustifolia Vahl), white ash (F. americana L.)
growth of mean stand diameter; radial increment