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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2002 str. 14     <-- 14 -->        PDF

.1. \ledak. 1). Slade. M. Vukelić. J. Medvedovie: ŠUME HRASTA LUŽNJAKA U PREDJELIMA ... Šumarski list br. 5-6. CXXV1 (2002). 251-260

Stefanović , V., (1969): Fitocenoze brdskog lužnja- Vukelić , J., Rauš , Đ., (1998): Šumarska fitoceno

ka u istočnoj Bosni (Quercetum roboris monta- logija i šumske zajednice u Hrvatskoj. Udžbenik

num Stef. 1960). Ekologija, Vol. 4, No. 2, Beo- sveučilišta u Zagrebu, str. 1-309, Šumarski fa-

grad. kultet Zagreb.

Šumarski Institut, 1963-1991: Karte šumskih zajednica

i tipova tala Hrvatske mjerila 1 : 100 000.

SUMMARY: Peduncled Oak forests in Croatia are mostly found in its
northern, Pannonian part, while in its south-western part these forests can be
found on small, isolated areas in the Karst area of Lika. Two such areas with
Peduncled Oak forests are located not far from Otočac, in the regions of

"Premužno jezero " and "Crno jezero ".
Forests of Peduncled Oak on Karst, on rocky terrain of relatively high altitudes,
are a rare and extraordinary vegetation phenomenon. Thus, the Forest
Research Institute, in cooperation with the Forest Administration of Gospić,
carried out scientific investigations during 1999 and 2000.
The flora content of these Peduncled Oak forests was analysed and a map
of forest communities produced. Samples of Peduncled Oak plant material
(twigs with buds) were taken for the purpose of determining genetic origin,
and the history of these forests was investigated.
Investigations determined the following:

1. Peduncled Oak forests belong to the forest community of Peduncled
Oak and Common Hornbeam (ass. Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris (Anić
1959, Rauš 1969) with a marked abundance of mesophilic species from the
Fagetalia order. Apart from characteristic species of the association
(Carpinus betulus, Euonymus europaea, Acer campestre, Carex sylvatica,
Geum urbanum) there is a great abundance of Fraxinus excelsior, Acer
pseudoplatanus, followed by Phytillis scolopendrium, Sorbus torminalis,
Abies alba, and others.
There are some extraordinary vegetation phenomena. One such phenomenon
is that the forests of Peduncled Oak are situated between limestone
blocks on soils of various depths, while in other places there is no soil and
limestone projects onto the surface. The second extraordinary phenomenon is
that the forests of Peduncled Oak are immediately beside forests of Beech and
Fir, which is unique in Croatia. The third phenomenon is the flora content of
the forest community. In some places the border between these two forests is
quite clear, i.e. the forests are clearly separated, while in other places it is dif

fuse and up to 100 m. There are some places where fir and Peduncled oak
grow next to each other. This is an extraordinary phenomenon. Furthermore,
the forests are regularly exposed to short-term, frequent floods, with water
reaching approximately one metre, lasting for several weeks and occurring
2-3 times in a year.

2. The Peduncled Oak of the investigated population originates from the
Italian Peninsula, and was most likely introduced to Lika 10 000 to 11 000
years ago.
3. The Peduncled Oak forests in Lika are natural, i.e. they developed in a
natural way, which can be concluded by the remaining single trees in Gacko
polje, and there are no records of planting Peduncled Oak.
Key words: Peduncled Oak, Lika, map of forest communities, flora
content, genetic origin