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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2002 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

J. Domac, M. Jakopović. S. Risović: BURZA DRVNO« OSTATKA U HRVATSKOJ Šumarski list br. 7-8, CXXV1 (2002). 401-406
u postupanju s biomasom u hrvatskim lukama, loša orsti
pouzdanog i po cijeni prihvatljivog transporta bioganiziranost
i poslovnost lučkih uprava i si. mase od proizvođača do hrvatskih luka te dalje do ko-
S obzirom na navedeno, buduće će aktivnosti biti načnih kupaca,
usmjerene upravo na organizaciju i analizu izvodljivo-

IZVORI - References

[1] Anon .
1996. Šumsko-gospodarsko područje Re- [3] Lang , A. 1999, The Legislation and its Effects on
publike Hrvatske, Šumskogospodarska osnova. Wood Recycling and Energy - Some Aspects of
Stanje 1996. god. sažetak, izrađeno u JP "Hrvat- the German Situation.// UN-ECE Timber Comske
šume", Služba za uređivanje šuma, Zagreb, mittee Workshop Recycling, Energy and Market
str. 1-37. Interactions, Istanbul, pp. 12-23.
[2] Sever,
S. et al., 1996, Gospodarenje šumama u [4] Hillring , B., Vinterback, J. 2000, European
Hrvatskoj - Prohes 6, Energetski institut "Hrvo- Wood-Fuel Trade.// VI World Renewable Enerje
Požar", Zagreb gy Congress, Brighton, pp. 1262-1268.
SUMMARY: Biomass trade is not from recently a well-established business
in developed European countries and a subject of trade even between
countries like Canada and Sweden. For connecting buyers and suppliers in
Europe has been established a dedicated institution, European Biomass
Exchange (EBEX), which makes all necessary arrangements and takes care
for whole process of fuel delivery. Since last year, EBEX expressed their interest
in introducing their activities in Croatia and total amount of biomass,
which could be bought in Croatia could be as much as 100 000 tons.

As a part of project preparation phase, Energy Institute ´Hrvoje Požar´
and Croatian Chamber of Commerce conducted a detailed analysis of the
available amount and possible requested price for biomass in Croatian wood
industry. Analysed were all relevant factors as annual production and capacity,
amount of generated wood waste, current usage of wood waste (own boiler
room, briquetting, selling, composting, disposal and similar) and price, what
could be requested for biomass. The interview was carried out during 2001,
and given results show significant, yet unused energy potential of wood waste
in Croatia as well as high level of issues understanding and industrial readiness
to participate in this project.

Preliminary activities also showed that transport is a significant cost factor
for biomass and at the moment, a bottleneck for successful project realisation.
The transport of small amounts is more expensive in relation to the
transport of larger amounts. The transport method (lorry) should be as fully
utilised as possible. However, a successful realisation of this project could in
long run contribute to development of Croatian biomass market and facilitate
realisation of biomass use projects in the country.