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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2002 str. 23     <-- 23 -->        PDF

SUMMARY: The paper deals with a phytocoenological analysis and comparison
of beech forest communities in the sub-montane and montane belt in
Croatia. These communities have been treated and described in past phytocoenological
literature in different ways. Based on the analysis of over 250
phytocoenological recordings (130 recordings are given in Table 1) from
Gorski Kotar and Lika, to north-western Croatia and Slavonian hills and
eastwards to Požeška Gora and Babja Gora, four associations with the following
systematic position have been found:

Alliance Aremonio-Fagion (I. Horvat 1938) Torok, Podani et Borhidi 1989

Associations Lamio orvalae-Fagetum (I^Horvat 1938) Borhidi 1963

Hacquetio-Fagetum Kosir 1962

Vicio oroboidi-Fagetum (I. Horvat 1938) Pocs et Borhidi I960

Alliance Fagion sylvaticae Laquet 1926 em. Lohm. et R. Tx. in R. Tx 1954
Association Carici pilosae-Fagetum Oberdorfer 1957

Beech forest with deadnettle (Lamio orvalae-Fagetum,) grows only in the
Dinarids and in the north-westernmost part of Croatia at 400 to 800 m, but
not in the rest of the Pannonian uplands, as was thought earlier. It is characterised
by the wealth oflllyrian, and especially Dinaric species, which differentiate
it from other beech communities. It contains the characteristic species
Lamium orvala, as well as the Illyrian species occurring over the entire
Croatian range: Dentaria enneaphyllos, Aremonia agrimonoides, Cyclamen
purpurascens, Hacquetia epipactis, Daphne laureola and Euonymus latifolia.
The community does not have a uniform composition in its overall distribution
range. Two variants can be identified in Croatia: the southern in the
Dinaric part, which can be determined as the variant Calamintha grandiflora,
and the northern in the hills of north-western Croatia, characterised by the
species Corydalis cava. The differentiating species of the Dinaric variant,
apart from large flowered calamint (Calamintha grandiflora L.), are Rhamnus
alpinus ssp. fallax, Omphalodes verna, Lonicera alpigena and Scopolia
carniolica. In the northern part of the range (the Corydalis cava variant/
these species occur rarely or are completely absent (except on Moslavačka
Gora), and their differentiating species are Corydalis cava, Ruscus hypoglossum,
Vicia oroboides, Dentaria trifolia, Euphorbia dulcis, Paris quadrifolia

and some more thermophilic species. In general, it can be concluded that, not
counting beech-fir forests, the range of this community coincides with the
range of the species Lamium orvala (Figure 1).

The second association of beech forest with hacquetia (Hacquetio-
Fagetum^ grows in the north-west of Croatia as a zonal community on the
carbonate base, most frequently on neutrophilic, slightly drier soils at a transition
from the hilly to the mountainous area and in the lower part of the
mountainous belt at slightly lower (400-700), drier terrains than the previous
association. The characteristic species are Hacquetia epipactis, Primula vulgaris
and Aposeris foetida. There is a large number of differentiating Illyrian
species, but towards the Slavonian uplands to the east, where the range of this
community ends, their number and participation decline (Lamium orvala,
Hacquetia epipactis, Cardamine trifolia/ The species of other systematic units
are also less frequent and include, for example, Prenanthes purpurea,
Gentiana asclepiadea, Lilium martagon, Phyteuma spicatum, Phyllitis
scolopendrium and others. Thus, for the moment, the range area of this beech

forest is limited to north-western Croatia.

Beech forest with wood bitter-vetch (Vicio oroboidi-Fagetumj occurs most
frequently on dystric cambisol of a mildly acid reaction, on metamorphic and

Šumarski list br. 9-10, CXXV1 (2002), 439-457