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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2002 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

J. Vukelić i D. Baričcvić: NOVIJE FITOCENOLOŠKE SPOZNAJE O BUKOVIM ŠUMAMA U HRVATSKOJ Šumarski list br. 9-10. CXXVI (2002), 439-457
igneous substrate of the Slavonian uplands, in conditions of lower climate
humidity and at altitudes above 350 meters. It has a zonal character, and in
typological research it is mostly described as Asperulo-Fagetum. It contains
a much smaller number and cover oflllyrian species than the previous communities,
but the species Vicia oroboides, Knautia drymeia, Ruscus hypoglossum,
Aposeris foetida, Epimedium alpinum, Primula vulgaris, Cyclamen purpurascens,
Helleborus odorus, Euonimus latifolia, Dentaria polyphylla,
Erythronium dens-canis still place it within the alliance Aremonio-Fagion.
The position of the hills in which it occurs is responsible for the loss of the
Illyrian features and the elements of forests of high terrains, which the association
Hacquetio-Fagetum in Slovenia possesses. The acidophilic nature is
sporadically present, as the stands of this community are frequently surrounded
by the community Luzulo-Fagetum.

Beech forest with sedge (Carici pilosae-Fageturn) occurs on Bilogora and
Kalnik and on the edges and in lower parts (as low as 200 m), and only rarely
on the tops and higher parts of other Slavonian hills. It differs profoundly
from the three previous associations, displaying independence in its floral
composition, ecological conditions and physiognomy. The floral composition
is dominated by the species of the Central European floral geo-element of the
alliance Fagion and the order Fagetalia. In Croatia, this clearly differentiates
it from the community Vicio oroboidi-Fagetum. The characteristic species are
Festuca drymeia and Cephalanthera longifolia, while the very frequent Carex
pilosa and Rubus hirtus have a large cover. Due to insufficient field recordings
and broader comparisons, beech stands dominated by the species Carex
pilosa and Festuca drymeia have been equated with the community Carici
pilosae-Fagetum from Central Europe in both this paper and in past phytocoenological
presentations in Croatia, although there are considerable differences
between them. The proper description, range and syntaxonomic
position of this community will be established in future research. The research
is being extended to encompass those parts of beech forests in Croatia which
have not been adequately studied so far (Slavonian hills, Banovina, Kordun,
the Ogulin area, Međimurje area). The research will also include lower units
of the association.