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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2002 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

J. Franjić, Ž. Skvorc. M. Pandža & B. Kckclić: ŠUMSKA VEGETACIJA POLUOTOKA OŠTRICA ...
SUMMARY: In 2001, a series offloristic and vegetational researches were
made in a wider area of Šibenik. Thus, the study from the phytosociological
and syntaxonomical point of view of the vegetation on the Oštrica peninsula,
situated in the south-east from Šibenik, was performed (cf. Fig.l). The entire
peninsula is built of cretaceous limestones, and through the centuries it was
cultivated partly by the man who made terraces retained by the walls of
removed stones. The soil covering the terraces and pockets between stone
blocks is mostly red soil. The climate is of Mediterranean type with mild winters
and hot summers. The average temperature in January is 6.8 "C and in
July 25 "C, the average minimum being-1.3 "C. The total amount of precipitation
is about 770 mm/m2, and the largest amounts of rainfall in autumn and
winter (cf. Prgin 1994; Jurković 1995).

A total of 20 vegetational releves was made in macchia which covers
almost the entire peninsula. The releves were made in the way to represent an
as large surface area as possible, so with 20 releves most of the peninsula surface
area is represented optimally. The border part by the sea (halophytic
vegetation), the very small grassland areas and the Aleppo Pine stands have
not been researched because of their unsufficient differentiation. The releves
were made and analyzed using the classical Braun-Blanquet´s method (cf.
Braun-Blanquet 1964). All records were subjected to two numerical
methods of analysis - the cluster analysis and the multidimensional scaling
(Sharma 1996; McGarigal et al. 2000). The numerical analysis was made
using the SYN-TAX2000 program package (Podani 2001).

By the syntaxonomical research of the Oštrice peninsula forest vegetation
two clearly differentiated associations were determinated -Pistacio lentisci-
Juniperetum phoeniceae Tr i najst i ć 1987 and Fraxino orni-Quercetum ilicis
H-ić (1956) 1958. In addition to these two clearly noticeable associations,
which form the largest part of the peninsula vegetational cover, the transitions
corresponding more or less to one association or the other were noticed,
too (cf Tab. 1; Fig. 2 and 3).

The association Pistacio lenti sci- Juniperetum phoeniceae is the initial forest
association characterized by a relatively small number of species (10-20;
cf Rauš 1981; Trinajstić 1987, 1995, 2000; Pandža 1995, 1998)
although by the latest research a much higher number of species was determined
(56) of which 15 were new for the association (cf. Jasprica et al.
2000; Kovač i ć et al. 2001). On the Oštrica peninsula, 25 species were
determined in this association, that corresponds more with the earlier
researches. To this association the releves under numbers 14-20 belong, while
those under numbers 1, 2, 3 and 6 (A, Tab. 1, Fig. 3) are very similar to this
association but with a reduced number of the differential species Pistacia
lentiscus and Juniperus phoenicea and a considerably larger share of the
species Quercus ilex. It is, therefore, clearly visible that the succession takes
place in the direction toward the association Fraxino orni-Quercetum ilicis.
This is supported also by the releves under numbers 7,9, 10 and 12 (B, Tab. 1,
Fig. 3), which are very similar to the association Fraxino orni-Quercetum ilicis
with an even larger share of the Q. ilex and a considerably smaller share
of the association Pistacio lentisci-Juniperetum phoeniceae. By further
increase of the share of the Q. ilex and the occurrence of the Fraxinus ornus
(the releves no. 5, 8, 11, 13), it is formed a climazonal vegetation with the
association Fraxino orni-Quercetum ilicis, which presents the terminal development
phase of the Oštrica peninsula forest vegetation. The only exception is
the releve under number 4 (C, Tab. 1, Fig. 3), which by all analysis methods
differs significantly from other releve and is characterized by a very frequent
occurrence of the Ephedra campylopoda and Prasium majus, which are dif

Šumarski list br. 9-10, CXXVI (2002). 469-47X