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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2002 str. 65     <-- 65 -->        PDF

D. Majnarić: GOSPODARENJE MEDVJEDOM KAO ZADATAK DRŽAVNOG ŠUMARSTVA Šumarski list br. 11-12, CXXVI (2002), 601-611
structure, their increase should be calculated and the kill determined. After
calculating the kill in large areas (habitats 1-4), the kill should be distributed
by hunting grounds taking into account their size, past management and the
specific features of individual grounds. Management plans should contain
measures of additional bear nutrition, which is important primarily in the
sense of keeping bears in forests. In this case they will inflict less damage to
agricultural areas. Nutrition also accelerates their growth and increase in the
number. With good quality feed a male aged 4 achieves the trophy value of für
of over 300 CIC points, and a male aged 8 of over 400 CIC points. Bears
should be fed with corn and oats throughout the year (except in the period of
hibernation) with a minimal quantity of 0.5 kg/head daily. To satisfy their
need for protein, bears should also be fed with dried meaty food. It is also
important to sow oats over a minimal area of 500 mVhead of bear. Of other
food, bears should be fed with ground corn dipped in sugar treacle, different
kinds of seasonal fruit not suitable for human nutrition, fruit and brewery

spent grain and silage corn.

Croatian Forests is a state forest organisation that manages with
38 hunting grounds sized 336,197 ha, of which 6 are bear hunting grounds
with an area of 115,277 ha. The hunting grounds are in the highest class and
are among the best quality hunting grounds in Croatia, enabling the rearing
of up to 2.5 heads /1,000 ha. The current annual kill is 19.33 heads, which is
too low in relation to the quality of hunting grounds. The most important task
of Croatian Forests in the coming period involves the following: to increase
the number of bears to 2 heads /1,000 ha and the corresponding kill, to build
hunting-management and hunting-technical facilities where they are missing,
to increase the number of oat fields, to permanently educate hunting personnel,
to promote hunting grounds and cooperate with the national commission
for drawing management plans and with all institutions dealing with the pro

tection of the bear and its habitats.