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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2002 str. 76     <-- 76 -->        PDF

P. Vratarić i I. Tarnaj: LOVSTVO U DRŽAVNIM ŠUMAMA KAO NOSITELJ TRANSFERA RASPLODNOG ... Šumarski list br. 11-12. CXXVI (2002). 617-622
ZAKLJUČAK - Conclusion

Možemo zaključiti da Država kao vlasnik, u nekim dručju farmskog uzgoja divljači, što će marketinški biti
svojim lovištima kojima gospodare Hrvatske šume vrlo zanimljivo.
d.o.o., treba posebno propisati gospodarenje na način Tre b a očekivati sustavni poticaj proizvodnji rasda
se osigura transfer genetski visoko vrijednog ras- plodnog materijala za jelena običnog i divlju svinju,
plodnog materijala radi napučivanja lovišta i unaprede-ka o ekološki vrlo vrijednoj proizvodnji mesa divljači,
nj a lovnog gospodarstva u vlastitim lovištima i lovišti- p o modelu kako je to uređeno Zakonom o poticajima u
ma drugih lovoovlaštenika. poljoprivredi i šumarstvu za uzgoj domaće stoke.

Rad na lako definiranim genetskim linijama posebno
autoktone divljači bit će sigurno iskorišten i na po-

SUMMARY: State hunting grounds managed in part by "Croatian Forests" and
state hunting grounds managed on the basis of concessions or leasing are currently
being established in the Republic of Croatia. Joint hunting grounds have been established
in the areas where no interest was shown for founding privately owned hunting
grounds or where less than one thousand hectares of continuous land were privately

The new regulation of hunting relations has provided a strong impetus for the
advancement of hunting management.

The total hunting management and the game parent fund was significantly
decreased during the Home War. "Croatian Forests" has undertaken to manage a
part of good quality state hunting grounds and has committed itself to developing and
re-establishing overall hunting management. Hunting ground owners are particularly
interested in the transfer of management technologies, possibilities of improving
game parent funds in hunting grounds and other issues.

"Croatian Forests " have recognised their commitment in relation to the owner the
Republican Government. The Podravlje -Podunavlje hunting ground has been
organised with the main management goal consisting of raising highly-valuable
Baranja deer and providing the possibility of transferring the breeding stock into
other hunting grounds in the Republic. The game breeding site ofMačkovac is intended
for raising high-trophy wild boar and the possibility of breeding stock transfer into
other hunting grounds. The autochthonous deer of Baranja has an important genetic
potential. In the past two years "Croatian Forests" has supplied three hunting
grounds in Croatia with a total of 34 heads of live deer game from the hunting ground

"Podravlje - Podunavlje ".
The need to establish a special project "Controlled breeding and protection of red
deer (Cervus elaphus) " has been realised in the site of Seprešhat sized 58 hectares
within the hunting ground Podravlje - Podunavlje. This will increase the number and
quality of the population and improve the genetic structure of the existing heads in the
grounds. The game breeding site Ma?kovac is a fenced area of 887 ha within the open
state hunting ground Breznica. A line of high-trophy value of boars has been defined
by selection and specially controlled breeding, combined with abundant and vital
progeny by fertile females. In 1993, such genetically highly valuable breeding stock
was delivered to 18 locations in the hunting grounds throughout Croatia. This resulted
in an increased quality of game offer for wild boar in the Republic.
Work on the defined genetic lines of autochthonous game in particular will also be
used in the field of game farming, which is very interesting from the marketing point
of view. A systematic incentive to the production of breeding stock for red deer and
wild boar as ecologically valuable game meat production should be expected, modelled
on the Incentives Act in Agriculture and Forestry for Livestock Breeding.
It can be concluded that the State should debit and support forestry in the management
of some of its hunting grounds so that it may ensure the transfer of genetically
valuable breeding stock intended for populating hunting grounds and improving
hunting management in their own and in other owners ´hunting grounds.