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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2003 str. 35     <-- 35 -->        PDF

M. Vodolsak. D. Krizaj: STETE NA DIVLJACI I STETE OD DIVLJACI NA PODRUCJU KRAPINSKO-Sumarski list br. 1-2, C.XXVI1 (20(B). 27-.
problem odstetnog cjenika nije rijesen i ubuduce je visoki te ih ovlastenici prava lova ne koriste u dopotrebno
zakonodavcu skrenuti pozornost na nje-voljnom obujmu,
govu primjenu, osiguranje lovista namece se kao jedina prava zastitroskovi
vezani uz provedbu godisnjeg plana za ta od nezeljenih negativnih financijskih posljedica
sprjecavanje steta, kao i osiguranje lovista, dosta su za ovlastenika prava lova.

8. LITERATURA - References
1994. Zakon o lovu ("Narodne novine" broj 10/94, 1996.: Pravilnik o strucnoj sluzbi za provedbu lovno22/
94, 29/99, 76/99, 14/01 i 4/02) gospodarske osnove ("Narodne novine" broj
48/96 i 87/02)

1994. Pravilnik o nacinu izrade plana zastite divljaci
na povrsinama izvan lovista ("Narodne novine" 1996.: Pravilnik o lovocuvarskoj sluzbi ("Narodne nobroj
61/94) vine" broj 48/96 i 87/02)

1995. Pravilnik o sadrzaju, nacinu izrade i postupku 1996.: Zakon o sigurnosti prometa na cestama ("Narodonosenja,
odnosno odobravanja lovnogospo-dne novine" broj 59/96 - procisceni tekst)
darske osnove, programa uzgoja divljaci i programa
zastite divljaci ("Narodne novine" broj 53/95)

SUMMARY: 30 joint hunting grounds of Krapinsko-zagorska County are
spread over an area of 286.102,5 acres with 35 hunting associations using the
hunting right there. This research was carried out as per sample of 14 hunting
associations during the period of two hunting seasons (2000/2001 and
2001/2002) with the goal to establish relations between game loss, damages
from the game and part of the invested resources for prevention of those

The results show that the game loss is 2,67 times higher than the damage
made to the vehicles by that game. Further the expenses of settled damages at
agricultural and forest cultures come to 59 % of the resources invested in prevention
of the damages, with the remark that only paid compensations were
taken into account, and finally that the losses of poaching, predators and
other causes of perishing come to 49,8 % of the whole game loss.

The shown results suggest the fact that, at present, the only efficient way to
protect himself from unwanted negative financial consequences, for the hunting
right representative, as for the damages, is to ensure the hunting ground
by the insurance company.

Key words: game loss, damages from the game, Krapinsko-zagorska