prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2003 str. 46     <-- 46 -->        PDF

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SUMMARY: Research was carried on index values of trees with regard to breast diameter
and the type of felling, whit the aim of getting information that could be used informing
databases for working our assortment tables. Research was been carried on 772 exemplary
trees in 12 areas and 15 cuttings, of older and old beech stand of the management unit
Bjelovar Bilogora.

We analysed overall percentage deviation between planned and realized percentages of
veneer logs, peeler logs and saw logs of 1st class in relation to the age of cutting area and
the type of felling. The research included 70 common beech-cutting areas in the management
unit Bjelovar Bilogora, of the age between 51 and 131 years, in the period of almost
three years.

Dependence was established of the index values of common beech trees on the diameter
class and the type of felling. Lover index trees values of spacing and preparatory felling in
relation to index values of the trees seeding and final felling, point to lower-quality assortment
structure within an individual diameter class in spacing and preparatory felling. These
differences are results of the selection criteria for cutting down trees (marking trees) we
employ to carry out the required type of felling.

Among practical values of the research results, we can point out the possibility of
decreasing the sample size while forming databases necessary for working out assortments
tables that would take into account the type of felling as one of inputs.

Analysis of the overall deviation between planned and realized percentage of the highest
quality timber assortments in cutting areas, points to considerable differences in particular
timber assortments and type of felling.

It is suggested that in working out future assortment tables (according to European standards),
one of the inputs should be the type of felling, including preliminary examination of
the relation of timber assortments to the type of felling characteristic for this method.

Key words: common beech felling, quality of trees, assortment structure, assortment
tables, index values of common beech trees