prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2003 str. 38     <-- 38 -->        PDF

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SUMMARY: In selection forests time is an economic management indicator
with no alternative. Although measurable, it has not been adequately evaluated
and incorporated in prognostic models of development and future management.
The problem of mid- and long-term management planning aimed at
achieving multipurpose progressive yield sustainability within the limits of sustainable
development of forests that grow "in continuo", that is, permanently,
has directed our research of many years to studying time management. This
issue forms the key point of the majority of past, as well as this work.

By monitoring and recording changes in the growth of a forest in one management
unit, new insights into particular features of selection forest development
which enable mid- and long-term planning have been established and
presented in this paper. The processes and the length of development of wood
mass of individual trees are long-lasting and limited in time by physiological
maturity. The processes and duration of the development of the growing stock
making up the wood mass of these trees are permanent and take place "in
continuo ", in closed integral circles or cycles. In a normal selection forest
one integral cycle in the development of growing stock takes up three average
transition times (3Ts) for a stand as a unit. In terms of duration it equals a
management cycle, in which the amount of annual yield equals the increment
of a normal growing stock (V) but in such a way that the other growing stock
of the same size remains on the stump as a new increment reproducer in the
new cycle.

Three consecutive management cycles in a series form a development
period or management conversion period. In the course of period duration in
time (3x3Ts=9Ts) wood mass amounting to three normal growing stocks (3 V)
are obtained in the three cycles, while the fourth remains on the stump in the
forest. The equilibrium of natural diversity of forest bio- and ecosystem is
realised through a continuous coordination of triple relationship: growing
stock- increment -yield.

Based on new insights into a continuous sequence of cycles and the possibility
of direct measurement of the time needed to fully utilise normal growing
stocks of a selection forest, a new formula for determining a normal annual