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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2003 str. 75     <-- 75 -->        PDF

M. Margalctić: [SKORIŠ MINIIRALNIH SIROVINA U ODNOSU NA ŠUMU I ... Šumarski lisl br. 3-4, CXXV1I (2003). 161-169
*** Uredba o unutarnjem ustrojstvu Državnog inspek- *** Zakon o izvlaštenju ("Narodne novine", broj 9/94,
torata ("Narodne novine", broj 70/01). 35/94, 112/00 i 114/01).
*** Ustav Republike Hrvatske ("Narodne novine", *** Zakon o zaštiti prirode ("Narodne novine", broj
broj 56/90 i 124/00). 30/94 i 72/94).
*** Zakon o šumama ("Narodne novine", broj 52/90 - *** Zakon o gradnji ("Narodne novine", broj 52/99,

pročišćeni tekst 5/91,9/91, 61/91, 26/93, 76/93, 75/99 i 117/01).

29/94, 76/99, 8/00 i 13/02). *** Zako n 0 vodama ("Narodne novine", broj 107/95).
*** Zakon o rudarstvu ("Narodne novine", broj 35/95 i *** Zako n 0 poljoprivrednom zemljištu ("Narodne no114/
01). vine", 66/01).

SUMMARY: Forests of certain areas according to their structure, presence
of tree species, the age of stands, plant-geographical position and vegetation
distribution, plant communities, soil types, orographic and hydrographic
conditions and specific macro and micro climate conditions, have a strong
influence on fauna growth and its interaction influence within the forest
ecosystem. During 2001, the complete inspection in "Hrvatske šume" p.o.
Zagreb was carried out regarding the use of mineral resources in forests and

forest lands within the forest-economy area of the Republic by the economy
inspection of the State Inspectorate. The State Inspectorate as a state administrative
organization carries out inspection and other businesses connected
with obeying the law and other regulations in the area of agriculture and forestry,
trade, craftsmanship, mining, product quality, etc. During the inspection
the total of 47 exploitation fields have been recorded which are used by
"Hrvatske šume" p.o. Zagreb on the total area of 227.50 ha. The highest
number of exploitation fields is in the area of Branch units of the State Inspectorate
Rijeka (19) and Osijek (14). It has been established that mineral
resources in forests and forest lands are used also by other 205 users (physical
persons, commercial companies) on 243 sites. The total area of these
exploitation fields is 2602.51 ha. The highest number of exploitation fields
used by other users is in the area of Branch units Split (195) and Zagreb (52).

Key words: mineral raw materials, forests, forest lands, exploitation
fields, economy inspection.