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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2003 str. 23     <-- 23 -->        PDF

[. Milkovk-, M. Siiimvić. M. p^;l;J|-i;vi^´: I.H.tXiA JJUMARSTVA IJ NACIONALNtJM PROGRAMU ... SumiU´ski list far. 5-6. (´XXV1I CIWl. 219-12<^

18. Ustav Republike Hrvatske
21. Zakon o financiranju vodnog gospodarstva (NN
(NN 56/90, 135./97,8/98, 113/00,124/00.28/01,41/01,
55/01) 22. Zakon o šumama (NN 52/90)

Ven Te Cliow: Handbook of applied liydrology, 23. Zakon o vodama (NN 107/95)
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964.(p. 1481)
20. Woodmark razvojna verzija hrvatskih generičkili
standarda i kontrolni popis. Soil Association
Certification Ltd., 2001. godina.
Sumitmrv: From time immemorial man has Iwen aware ofllie importance
uiul influen´ce ofmuer on his life ami on tlw survival of life in genera.. Todav.
the top priorilv task ofmaiikiml is to manage water resources in the best possibhway
in order to satisfy´ the primary strategie interests of every country

Forestry science and profession of Croatia, thanks to its tradition of two
and a half centuries, has recognised that the basic prerequisite for a rational
and successfuL as ndl as sustainable management with water lies in its stability
and preservation and adequate share of ecologimlyv stable forest
ecosystems, managed on the principles of sustainabee forest management.

In terms of wealth and uceessibilitv of fresh water sources. Croatia takes
up an excellent fifth place in Europe and a relatively good 42nd place in the
world. ´Croatian Forests " Ltd manage with forests that cover over one third
of the total land area in Croatia. Consequently, they are aware of their commitments
and must take responsibility for ´recording, mapping and programmied
inoteaiim of oilier not less imiwrtant water resources in Croatian

Apart from making a record of water .spring potentials in forests, it will
also be neees.saiy to record all other \vater sites that require proteciion. These
include ponds, swamps, lakes and artificial retentions. After recording, niappiu´j
and classifvino all water potentials in the forests of Croatia oiganised
monitoring of physical and biological properties of water should be carried
out in cooperatum with Croatian lidter Management Company.
The goal ofthis activity is to draw up a land register of water potentials
from forests, progranune their active proteciion, as well as their .sustainable
and economic utilisation. Practically, even- regular revision of management
plans in management imits .should entail the collection of all the nece.s.sary
data for drawing up land registers and maps of forest water potentials.
Monitoring carried out in cooperaiion with the Croatian Water
Management Company should serve as a basis for establishing programmes
of proteciion and sustainable utilisation of fresh water from the forests of