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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2003 str. 75     <-- 75 -->        PDF

M Olinć i I). ()luw: KM´JHiAS)}- KORI.^II:N.IA/:i:MLJlfrlA I VEOLTAfiJI´: ISTRI; ... .Šuriuifiki br. 5-h. CWVII (:!im). ;OT-2M

Experts of the European Commission developed nomenekttwes and
methodologies for this Programme, unified for all European countries.

This mapping started during the ninetieth in Luxemburg, Portuga,, Spain
and the Netherlands.

The company GEOSAT, Zagreb, in cooperaiion with the Institute for
Geodesy. Cartography ami Remote Seu.^ing in Budapes,, realised the Land
Cover Mapping ofIstria peninsula in 1995/96, according to CORINE nomenclatures
and methodologies. For this mapping diffiyrent multispeclral and
inultitemporal satellite images have been used (SPOT P and Landsat TM).
The SPOT images were transformed into transverse Mercator projection
(Bes.sel ellipsoid). .4t the same time merging multisensor images were applied
by registering the Landsat TM image to the SPOT image. It resulted in new
images more convenient fof fotointerpretation.

The interpretation has been made visually, as well as hv computer proce.
s.sing For the mapping purpose. 44 of the CORINE nomenclature
(standard level 3) have been .selected (mapped).

The results of Land Cover Mapping ofIstria include: georeferencdd satellite
iuiagennaps (in Gauss-Kriiger projeetion), scale 1:50 000 and land cover
maps at the same .scale as well as land cover .statistics.

This land cover mapping realised in Croatia, according to CORINE
Programme, was the first one informrr Yugoslavia.