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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2003 str. 22     <-- 22 -->        PDF

V. Krejči, T. Dubravac: MOGUĆNOST I OPRAVDANOST OPLODNIH SJEČA U BUKOVIM ŠUMAMA ... Šumarski list br. 9-10, CXXVII (2003). 449-456
investigated, in the mountain beech forest in the area of the Ogulin Forest
Office, Management Unit "Bukovača ", Compartment 18.

Based on the current structure in the beech stand and the appearance of
young growth, the compartment was divided into three parts in 1988, in which
preparatory, regeneratory (seed cutting), and final cuttings in the reestablished
part of the compartment, were carried out. In 1995, following
favourable reestablishment/reforestation, the cuttings were performed
according to the requirements of the state of the stand.

In 2002, final cutting was performed on the remaining abundantly regenerated
compartment area (144.800 beechnuts per ha). The state of the current
young growth was extremely good with regard to the number, quality and
vitality. With the regeneration/restocked/period of 14 years and three cuts,
three even-aged young beech stands of average age 7-18 years were achieved
on a large area.

In view of the anticipated 100-year rotation period for the mountain beech
in that region, young stands should not be placed in separate compartments.
Exceptionally good natural beech reestablishment by the aforementioned two
methods, within two different forest ecosystems, confirmed the non-rationality
of beech growth when practising selection cutting management.

Key words: beech, natural reforestation (reestablishment), shelter-
wood cutting system, group-selection cutting