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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2003 str. 32     <-- 32 -->        PDF

M. Idžojtić, R. Pernar, 2. Kauzlarić, M. Abramović, D. Janković, M. Pleše: INTENZITET ZARAZE ... Šumarski liši br. II- 12, CXXV1I (2003). 545-559

Prpić, B., Z. Seletković & P. Jurjević 2001: Zuber, R. 1983: Forstschutz. In: Wald- und Forst-
Sušenje jele i promjene "kemijske klime". U: Wirtschaft in Graubünden. Ründnerwald, Bei-

Prpić, B. (ur.): Obična jela (Abies alba Mill.) u heft 12: 115.

Hrvatskoj. Akademija šumarskih znanosti, Hrvatske
šume, Zagreb. 299-307 pp.

Summary: Mistletoes are epiphytic angiosperms living as semi-parasites
on trees and shrubs. Viscum album L. is an evergreen, dioecious species, with
opposite forky branching, white, sticky fruits of the Viscaceae family. This
species has three subspecies, which can be most easily differentiated according
to their hosts.

The subspecies Viscum album L. ssp. abietis (Wiesb.) Abrom. appears in
Croatia only on silver fir trees (Abies alba Mill), on which it is a parasite in
natural forests. The greatest role in the dissemination of mistletoe fruits have
birds, especially the mistletoe thrush (Turdus viscivorus L.).

So far there has been no systematic research on mistletoes in Croatia, and
consequently, no systematic research of mistletoe on fir trees. This paper
presents the results of a several-year research of the intensity of mistletoe
infestation on silver fir trees in natural stands of silver firs in areas managed
by Hrvatske šume (Croatian Forests) Co. Ltd., Forest Administration Delnice.
The research of mistletoe infestation was carried out along with the evaluation
of fir-tree damage during 5 years, from 1998-2002. Silver fir trees were
examined from upper tree layer, whose crowns were clearly visible. For the
examined trees it was recorded whether they were infested with mistletoe,
whereas the degree of damage, i.e. the percentage of fallen needles and
change of their color were evaluated according to the ICP-Forests method.

On the area of 12 forest offices 21 management units were examined, 492
forest compartments in which the percentage of fir trees is higher than 50 %,
including 68,256 trees in total.

The mapping was carried out on the basis of digitalized borders of management
units and the research results. In the computer application ArcView
3.3 a layer was introduced in which the spatial distribution of mistletoe infestation
on silver fir trees was presented based on management units.

The obtained results show that the presence of mistletoe on silver fir trees is
considerable. On the whole area of the Forest Administration Delnice almost a
third of the examined silver fir trees was infested with mistletoe (32.8 %). The
intensity of infestation is relatively small in the degrees of damage of silver fir
trees from 0 to 2a (degree of damage 0-40%) and amounts to 1.5% of all examined
trees. The highest number of trees, 18 % of all the examined ones, is
damaged from 41 - 60 % (degree of damage 2b). Most of the non-infested trees
has this degree of damage, 41 %. The intensity of infestation of the 3a degree is
9 %> (degree of damage of silver fir trees 61 - 80 %>), and in the 3b degree it
amounts to 4 % (degree of damage 81 - 99 %>). In the 3a and 3b degrees of damage
there are more infested than non-infested silver fir trees. Of all the examined
trees 0.63 % were dead trees (0.19% infested with mistletoe).

The intensity of mistletoe infestation varies considerably from forest office
to forest office. In 12 forest offices the slightest infestation intensity is in the
forest office Tršće (1.4 %) and Ravna Gora (2 %). These are followed by the
forest offices Prezid (12 %) and Crni Lug (16 %>). Between one fourth and one
third of the examined trees is infested on the area of the forest offices Fužine
(26 %), Lokve (26 %) and Rijeka (28 %>). Between one third and a half of the
examined trees was found in the forest office Mrkopalj (35 %) Gomirje (41 %)