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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2003 str. 124     <-- 124 -->        PDF

S. Malić: ŠUMARSTVO U DRUŠTVENOM OZRAČJU DANAS I 1878. GODINU Šumarski list SUPLliMbNT (2003), 111-122
above. Companies managing forests are required to make revenues and fill
the state budget.

We state with regret that never in over two centuries of Croatian forestry
have the authorities in power treated forests, forestry and the people working
in this field with so little respect and with so much ignorance as today. The
ongoing situation in forests and forestry of Croatia is the result of an
unhealthy atmosphere fostered by such attitudes. The main reasons for this lie
in strong pressures of politics, which has penetrated all pores of Croatian

forestry, and in the shortage of those cadres who have, throughout the long
history of forestry, firmly stood by its helm and promoted knowledge and
integrity. Such a situation will probably continue until politics ceases to be
more important than profession and until the legal state is enforced.
Unfortunately, by that time the Croatian forests will have lost many of those

features that rank them among the best in Europe.

Predsjednik HŠD-a S. Matić, uručuje devedesetgodišnjem Frani Rogiću, jedinom živućem članu Kr. nadzomištva,
Zahvalnicu za postignute rezultate na pošumljavanju krša

(Foto: M. Mrkobrad)