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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2003 str. 79     <-- 79 -->        PDF

Pičman, D. & Pentek, T., 1998: Raščlamba nor- Španjol, Ž. & Barčić, D., 2000: Zaštita prirode i
malnog poprečnog profila šumske protupožarne okoliša na kršu Republike Hrvatske, Zbornik saceste
i iznalaženje troškovno povoljnijeg mode- žetaka na znanstvenom skupu: "Unapređenje
la, Šumarski list CXXII (5-6), Zagreb, Hrvat- poljoprivrede i šumarstva na kršu", 29.-30.
ska, str. 235-243. ožujka 2000., Split, str. 99-101.

Pičman , D. & Pentek , T., 1998: Raščlamba troškova *****5 1995; Prijedlog izgradnje protupožarnih
izgradnje šumskih protupožarnih cesta i mogu- prometnica na području krša od 1995. do 1999.
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stva, Zagreb, str. 129-136. *****^ 1997. izvješće o problematici gradnje i održava

Potočnik , [., 1996: Mnogonamenska raba gozdnih nja šumskih i protupožarnih prometnica i stanju
čest kot kriterij za njihovo kategorizacijo. Diser- otvorenosti šuma, J.P. Hrvatske šume, Zagreb, s.
tacija, Universa v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakul- 1-11.

teta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo, str. 1-241. *****5 1997 : prijedlog metodologije izrade katastra
Rau š i drugi 1992: Biljni svijet hrvatskih šuma, po- šumskih i protupožarnih prometnica na području
glavlje u knjizi Šume u Hrvatskoj, str. 33-78. J.P. Hrvatske šume, Zagreb, s. 1-14.
Šikić, D. i drugi 1989: Tehnički uvjeti za gospodar-*****5 2001: Interni cjenik rada strojeva i prijevoza
ske ceste, Znanstveni savjet za promet JAZU, građevinskog materijala u šumskom građevinar-
Zagreb, str. 1—40. stvu, JP "Hrvatske šume", p.o. Zagreb, str. 1-8.

SUMMARY: The forest fire-prevention roads are connected with the karst
area of the Republic of Croatia which makes about 52 % of its land area and
represents the most significant natural feature of the Croatian area. The primary
task of karst forests is to fulfil beneficial function of the forest which, by
their value, in many ways surpass the value of produced timber, so construction
and maintenance of forest fire-prevention roads is financed from the tax
of beneficial function of the forest. The research was carried in the area of
four forest administrations, as follows: Buzet, Gospić, Senj and Split and the
obtained results can be applied to the whole karst area. The definition of the

forest fire-prevention roads has been given.

The main tasks of forest fire-prevention roads can be divided into three
main roads: tasks which contribute to preventive and repressive fight against
forest fires, tasks in forest works and tasks in works and activities of users outside
the forestry. There was a further analysis within an individual group.
Special features of forest fire-prevention roads in relation to other forest
roads were analysed in details within six differentiating categories: the
approach to the procedure of making a study of forest opening, designing,
prescribed technical features, construction and maintenance technology, the
price and financial resources and traffic intensity and frequency. The concluding
considerations emphasise problems which appear in opening karst
forests, but guidelines for their solutions are also suggested.

The most important guidelines are defined in the following components:
The totality of special features and characteristics of karst, but also special
features of karst forest growing in that area, produced a forest fire-prevention
road as a special forest road category with all its specific qualities in
all the stages of opening of karst forests.
Despite the "non-economical" construction of forest fire-prevention roads
regarding the raw base of karst forests, these forests have to be systematically
opened till achieving the optimum/aimer openness due to their fire-prevention
role, production potential, beneficial function of the forest and all other management
The valorisation of generally useful characteristics of forests will enable
the use of cost models in calculating optimum/aimed forest openness, but will