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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2004 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

Rauš, Đ., I. Tikvić, J. Vukclić, J. Medvedo- gospodarske jedinice "Varaždinske podravske
vić , 1992: Biljni svijet Hrvatskih šuma. Sume u šume" sa šumskouzgojnom preporukom. Elabo-
Hrvatskoj, "Hrvatske šume" i Šumarski fakultet, rat, Šumar. Inst. Jastrebarsko, 1-37.

Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Zagreb. R a u š, Đ., 1999: Vegetacija Podravskih ritskih šuma u

Maltby , E., R Dugan , 1985: Watertight Case - okolici Legrada na ušću Mure u Dravu, sinpozij
decision time for the word´s wetlands. IUCN Pevalek 87-100.
bulletin, V. 16 (N. 10-12), 109-125. Šešok , D., 1997: Problematika ornitološkog rezerva

Matić , S., 1994: Uzgoj pionirskih vrsta drveća u ta "Veliki Pažut" kod Legrada. Diplomski rad,
biološkoj pripremi staništa. Zbornik radova Zavod za uzgajanje šuma Šumarskog fakulteta
flora i vegetacija Hrvatske, Koprivnica. Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 37 p.

M atić, S., M. Oršan ić i I. Anić, 1996: Prirodne Vukelić, J., Đ. Rauš, 1998: Šumska fitocenologijai
sastojine topola i vrba u današnjim ekološkim šumske zajednice u Hrvatskoj. Sveučilište u
uvjetima Hrvatske, skrb za Hrvatske šume, Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb, 188-195.

Mayer, B., S. Orlić, N. Komlenović, G. Bušić
, 1993: Detaljna pedološka karta šumsko-

SUMMARY: Riparian forests are currently the most seriously endangered
European forests (Maltby and Dugan, 1985). These forests extend along
the banks and in the immediate vicinity of rivers and their islands and are
periodically flooded. In terms of diversity of plant and of animal world in particular,
they rank among the richest European continental biocoenoses. The
principal tree species in natural riparian forests are autochthonous willow
and poplar species. The oscillatory dynamics of mostly flood waters favours
the development of numerous hygrophilous and xerophilous plant species.
After the river Drava, the river Mura is undoubtedly the second largest watercourse
in Upper Podravina. Whereas the natural course of the river Drava
has been considerably changed by 23 hydropower stations (twelve in Austria,
eight in Slovenia and three in the Republic of Croatia), the course of the river
Mura has remained relatively intact. Since willow seeds, excepting those of
the almond willow, mature in May in places where water has retreated in
spring and mud and sand have deposited, seeds germinate in the course of
several hours. In such places a thick willow young growth develops which
may contain about 830,000 plants/ha (Table 10). The number of plants in the
young growth dramatically declines in the first three years, so that in the second
year it drops to 11 %, and in the third to 2.7 % of the amount in the first
year (Table 11 and 12). Almond willow, which in these areas does not display
the properties of a shrub but of a tree, proved to be one of the key species in
the formation of the young growth and thus plays a crucial role in the structure
of young and middle-aged stands. Young riparian stands may be formed
like pure stands of almond willow in which wood mass may amount to as
much as 243.00 m3/ha.

In older stands, the almond willow is replaced by the white willow, but it
may be retained in the understorey In applying silvicultural treatments to willow
stands, foresters should show expertise in discriminating almond willows.
Its biological properties make this tree species a true pioneer in conquering
the terrain. It regularly bears seeds over the entire summer period
until mid-September and thus creates young willow growths on fertile mud
and sand. If floods are not of long duration, the young growths survive and
form stands, which in their short lives create considerable biomass that falls
on the ground. In this way they participate in the formation of humus and mineral
nutrients. It is very important to be aware of these properties when silvi