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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2004 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF

1. Pilaš, A. Seletković: ANALIZA REŽIMA PODZEMNIH VODA NAŠ1ČKIH NIZINSKIH ŠUMA ... Šumarski list br. 7-8, CXXVIII (2004), 363-374
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SUMMARY: This paper presents the results of measurements of groundwater
levels on 22 piezometric stations located in northeastern Croatia i. e.
area of Našice. The analysed measurement results were collected during a
period of five years, 1997-2001. The data were obtained by measurements
taken two times a week on piezometric stations consisting of four piezometers
at various depths; 0,5 m; 1,3 m; 2,8 m and 7,0 m; in addition, the pressure
head was monitored. The predominant soils in the area under consideration
are hydromorphic mostly gleysols on Pleistocene loams and clays and gleic
luvisol on loess. The pedunculate oak, field ash and black alder forest types
are the most common in the area. The main aims of research were to analyze
the quantitative aspect of groundwater through the use of GIS and to compare
these results with results obtained by measurements of groundwater status in
other forest complexes of lowland forests in Croatia. The effect of intense seasonal
drought in 2000 on the groundwater table and the regional behavior of
groundwater regime in accordance of two rivers situated in the Našice forest
complex, the Karasica and Vučica Rivers, were also analyzed. Furthermore,
the main structural characteristics of forest stands in the area were compared
according to the estimated difference in groundwater regime. The analysis
was performed with the aid of GRASS (Geographical Resource Analysis
Support System) GIS open source software. The sites were interpolated by
IDWA (Inverse distance weighted averages). Some elementary raster map
algebra was also performed in order to estimate the groundwater decline during
the drought season from five years average. Further analysis was undertaken
in the form of histograms of interpolated groundwater raster layers.