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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2004 str. 46     <-- 46 -->        PDF

S. Posavec. T. Zgela: IZRADA CIJENE KOŠTANJA ŠUMSKIH SADNICA HRASTA LUŽNJAKA ... Šumarski list hr. 9 10. CXXV1I1 (2004), 529-536
XXX, 2002: Poslovni rezultati poduzeća "Hrvatske XXX, 2002: Cijenik šumskih sadnica i klijanaca podušume"
d.o.o, Zagreb zeca "Hrvatske šume" d.o.o, Zagreb

XXX, 2002: Inventura rasadnika poduzeća "Hrvatske XXX, 2002: Normativi za radove u rasadniku poduzešume"
d.o.o, Zagreb ća "Hrvatske šume" d.o.o, Zagreb

SUMMARY: The largest share of forest seedlings in the Republic of
Croatia is produced by "Hrvatske šume" d.o.o. Zagreb. It is the reason why
this company has a dominant influence on the assortment and quantity of production,
as well as on the unit price of forest seedlings. Prices of forest
seedlings are calculated on the basis of annual forest silvicultural plans.
These prices are subject to change every two years on average (as a rule, they
have a rising trend). Since "Hrvatske šume" d.o.o. has been transformed

from a public company into a limited liability company, it is necessary to calculate
the prime cost of forest seedlings. Pedunculate oak is a dominant
species of forest seedlings, accounting for 48 % in the total amount of produced
seedlings in the period 1991-2003. Therefore, it is justifiable to calculate
the prime cost of this forest seedling species. The paper gives a critical
analysis of the current method of calculating the prime cost of pedunculate
oak seedlings fQuercus robur L.) and presents a new method of calculating
the prime cost.

Key wo rds: prime cost, forest seedlings, pedunculate oak, nurseries