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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2004 str. 68     <-- 68 -->        PDF

Šumarski list br. 9 10. CXXVI1I (2004). 545-558
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drografskih prilika na ekonomsku opravdanost

SUMMARY: Decreasing the mean wood skidding distance is one of the basic tasks of building
forest roads in economic forests. Classical forest openness expressed in km/1000 ha, gets its real
significance and actual situation regarding the forest road network quality only if it is shown in the
combination with the mean skidding distance. The relative forest openness in combination with the
method of bordered area also uses the mean skidding distance as one of the most important input
data. What is a mean skidding distance, which types of mean skidding distances exist, how are
they determined and calculated, in what way we can transform one type of mean skidding distance
into another and which correction factors are used in this are only a few questions to which you
can find the answer in this paper. The calculation of the optimum forest openness, as well as the
calculation of the optimum mean skidding distance are based on mathematical models and once
obtained values are correct, as long as the input calculation parameters are the same. Can the
results of the optimum openness calculation according to mathematical models, which are based
on the minimum total cost of wood skidding, be manipulated, are they extendible within determined
firm boundaries and is such a starting point in a forest opening by forest roads and the total

forest road network optimisation acceptable ? The paper introduces the use of the aimed wood
mean skidding distance.

Key wo rds: forest roads, opening up of forests, optimum opennes, mean skidding distance,
correction factors