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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2004 str. 74     <-- 74 -->        PDF

A. Frković: SUMARNIK JAROSLAV PI. SUCH I NJEGOV "POSAVSKI LOVAC Šumarski list br. 9-10, CXXVI1I (2004), 559-564
LITERATURA - References

Čcović, I., 1925: Organizacija lovaca. Lovačko-ri-Kulmer, M., 1942: Kako je osnovano Hrvatsko drušbarski
vjesnik 9: 226-234. tvo za gajenje lova i ribarstva. Lovačko-ribarski
vjesnik 5: 129-131.

Čeović , I., 1925: Osnutak Saveza lovačkih društava
za Hrvatsku i Slavoniju. Lovačko-ribarski vjesSpaić
, I., 1982: "Glas lovdžije" - lovački časopis u
nik 10/12:254-255. Slavoniji od 1923 do 1925. g. Lovački vjesnik

Frković , A., 1993: Bibliografija Lovačko-ribarskog
vjesnika 1892-1991. Hrvatski lovački savez, x, x, x. 1944: Jaroslav pl.Šugh. In memoriam. LovaZagreb,
str.472. čko-ribarski vjesnik 8: 224.

Karlović , M., 2004: Lovački listovi Hrvatske (rux,
x, x. 2000: Šugh pl. Jaroslav. Hrvatski šumarski žikopis).
votopisni leksikon Š-Ž + dodatak (A-Z), knjiga

5. (urednik Josip Biskup). TUT1Z Leksika, ZaMihelčić
, V., 1928: Pedesetgodišnjica kulturnoga i

greb, str. 12-13.

lovačkog rada našeg urednika. Posavski lovac

SUMMARY: After completing his forestry studies at the Agronomy-Forestry
School in Križevci and doing his specialisation in Austria and
Bohemia, Jaroslav Šugh Esq. (1865-1944) worked in several forestry
offices in Croatia and Slavonia, and for a short time in Serbia. Harassed and
deprived on account of his political beliefs during the reign of terror of Ban
Khuen-Hedervary, he left the civil service and established the Surveying and
Forestiy agency in Nova Gradiška, where he dealt with forest management in
the capacity of a forest supervisor. Very fond of "gun and hunting" from his
early youth, and an already recognized writer, he founded a hunting-fishing

journal "Posavski lovac" (The Hunter of Posavina) in 1924, of which he was
the owner and editor-in-chief during the eight years of its publication. In
order to increase the readership and broaden the circle of co-operators, in
1927 he moved the headquarters of the journal from Nova Gradiška to
Vinkovci, the centre of Slavonian hunters and the seat of two forestry administrations.
His extensive education and proficiency in several foreign languages
allowed him to publish not only original articles but also selected
translations from foreign magazines in his splendidly edited journal. He also
expressed his love for nature and for hunting in particular in a poetic form,
using the signature of Jambus. He gave an unparallel contribution to the
establishment of the Association of Hunting Societies of Croatia and Slavonia
and to cultural-educational work of a number of societies.