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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2004 str. 94     <-- 94 -->        PDF

G. Rubin: PROCJENA VRIJEDNOSTI ŠUMA - PRAKTIČNI PRISTUP Šumarski list br. 11-12, CXXVIII (2004), 679-688
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SUMMARY: Evaluations of forests is the essential part the economy of forest
resources. Practically, the calculations treatment of forests value, mainly
has been regulated by legal provisions. Because of the distinctiveness of
forestry; prolonged periods of production, unsure development price in the
market woods, calculations have been burduned with uncertainty. Next to the
usual exact economic value parameter who have been used in evulation, is
necessary, because of the production of general benefits to bring into account
descriptive (attributive) parameter. Traditional methods of valuations express
the money value tangible fixed assets i. e. wooden supplies and forest estate
as basic resources of forestry. Contemporary, on the other hand, methods with
less or more succes, try to valorize and financially express ecologically and
social effects and welfare from the forest. Regardless of a chose and applied
method, for the accurate evaluation of forest is necessary that every objects
evaluation, as the individualized object counts as well, that the evaluation is
performed by the experienced, educated, and well trained personnel.

In this paper are quoted concrete examples calculated forests values
emerged in the period 2000—2003 , who carries off on the valuation of state
forests. Through examples they have been analyzed by the most important
aspects of the applied technique of forests valuations and have been given
suggestions for their improvement. Besides, the review of actual methods has
been displayed for the establishing the value of forests in Croatia, as well as
their legal-normative framework.

Key words: forest value, valuated methods, wooden supply, forest
estate, welfare functions, forest interest rate, bank interest rate, excange value.