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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2005 str. 12     <-- 12 -->        PDF

S. Orlić, S. Perić: PROUČAVANJE USPIJEVANJA PROVENIJENCIJA DUGLAZIJE ... Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXIX (2005), 243-250
Orlić, S., M. Ocvirek, 1990.: Međunarodni pokus oglednoj plohi “Crna lokva” (Bosanska Gradi

provenijencija zelene duglazije (Pseudotsuga ška), Šumarski list 9–10, 397–414, Zagreb.

menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), Radovi, Šumar. inst. Schultze, U., H. D. Raschka, 2002.: Douglas fir

25.: 295–309, Zagreb. provenances for the dry East of Austria-
O r li ć, S., M. O c v ir e k , 1994.: Istraživanje proveni- rusalts of Douglas fir provenances trials of the

jencija zelene duglazije (Pseudotsuga menziesii Institute of Forest Genetics FBVA-Wienna,

(Mirb.) Franco) u Hrvatskoj, Šumarski list 5–6: Forstliche Bundesversuchsanstalt Wien, 126,

139–146, Zagreb. 95, Wien.

P i n t a r i ć , K., 1989.: Proučavanje prirašćivanja
IUFRO-duglazije različitih provenijencija na SUMMARY: This study programme covers 12 provenances of Douglas fir
(Pseudotsuga douglasiessi (Mirb.) Franco) including 6 from the USA, 3 from
British Columbia, 1 from Denmark, 1 from Bulgaria and 1 from Croatia
(Table 1). Precise data on origin (Character code: F, I, J, T) were not received
for 4 provenances.

Forest seedlings were produced in the tree-nursery of the Forest Research
Institute, Jastrebarsko, in Jiffy containers of 8 cm diameter. The seedlings
were transferred to the field as 2+1 year-olds, with the exception of Castle
Rock provenance, which was 2+0 years old and planted bare-rooted.

The field experiment was established in the spring of 1969 in a randomized
block system in 4 replications. Basic spacing of planting was 2 x 2 m.
Douglas fir was planted with spacing of 4 x 4 m, and in between Norway
spruce 1+2 years old, was planted.

This paper presents the measurement results from 1978 and 1992. Namely,
the 10th and 24th year since the establishment of the experiment. Variance
analysis and F test were used for testing the differences between the provenances
in view of height and diameter growth. Average provenance values
were used in the statistical analysis of data.

According to the results in the field experiment on Krndija, the best results,
with regard to survival, growth and increment, were shown for the provenances
from Denmark (Hvidbilde) and Bulgaria (Šipka). Our Croatian
domestic provenance (Buzet) was better than the average for all provenances.
According to the results in the field experiment on Krndija, the best results, with regard to survival, growth and increment, were shown for the provenances from Denmark (Hvidbilde) and Bulgaria (Šipka). Our Croatian domestic provenance (Buzet) was better than the average for all provenances. Of the source (indigenous, autochthonous) north-American provenances the best were those from the Federal State of Washington from lower altitudes. Key words: Douglas fir, provenances, survival, growth.