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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2005 str. 60     <-- 60 -->        PDF

M. Šporčić: UVID U NEKA GLEDIŠTA PODUZETNIŠTVA U ŠUMARSTVU EUROPE Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXIX (2005), 287-298
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SUMMARY: This paper shows some characteristics of entrepreneurship in
providing forest services in Europe. Surveys, based on the research of available
sources, involve the following: characteristics of entrepreneurs and their
associations, training and educational programmes, conditions of safety and
health protection, impact of forest certification on entrepreneurship, and conditions
and restrictions in providing forestry services. The insight into the
mentioned aspects of entrepreneurship is a contribution to understanding the
conditions of providing forest services in Europe. The selected models and
experienecs are positive examples in considering the role and significance of
forest contractors and upgrading entrepreneurship in forestry. The arguments
for the need of more comprehensive research of entrepreneurship in the
Croatian forestry are also discussed in this paper.

Key words: forestry, forestry operation, entrepreneurship, Europe