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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2005 str. 53     <-- 53 -->        PDF

D. Grgurević: PARK GARANJIN U TROGIRU – NAJSTARIJI BOTANIČKI VRT U HRVATSKOJ Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXIX (2005), 415-423
znavalac i istraživač obitelji Garagnin. Naklad18.
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nin – Fanfogna u Trogiru. “Hortikultura” 1/1976. 20. DAS: Obiteljski arhiv fon Fanfogna – Garagnin vrt

6. Pilović, S.: Rad Luke Garagnina na unapređenju
agrikulture u Dalmaciji R. C. Jazu 1978. 21. DAS: Obiteljski arhiv fond Fanfogna Garagnin vrt
10. B abi ć, I.: Prilog poznavanja povijesti grafičke do1/
kumentacije salonitanskih spomenika. Godišnjak 24. P e tri c i ol i , M.: Perivoji i vrtovi u povijesnom
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8-8/1982/1983. Zagreb.

25. 28 Arhiv mapa za Istru i Dalmaciju – Split.
13. Župni ured Trogira: Knjiga umrlih br. 6/23 – 1847.
26. Muzej grada Trogira – knjižnica Garagnin.
15. P i p lo v ić , S.: Arhitekt Giannantonio Selva i kla27.
Omašić, V.: Osnivanje agrarne akademije u Kašsicizam
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tel Lukšiću 1978. godine i početak njenog djelo

16., 29. Državni arhiv u Splitu (dalje DAS) 1. Obiteljski

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arhivski fond Fanfogna – Garagnin, vrt 1/XVIII

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D e la l l e , I.:Trogir –

17. Državni arhiv u Splitu. Obiteljski arhivski fond
Fanfogna – Garagnin vrt 1/XI.
SUMMARY: Garanjin Park is the most valuable landscaping achievement
in Dalmatia in the 19th century. It was designed in the early nineteenth century
and served as a venue for plant experiments as early as 1802. For this reason
it can justifiably be considered the first botanical garden in Croatia.

With time, plant experiments were abandoned. Roman stone monuments
from nearby Salona were brought to the park, artificial hillocks were erected
and it became the first English-style park in this area. Its importance as a
botanical garden is due to experiments with plants not previously raised in
Dalmatia, conducted with the goal to promote the neglected Dalmatian agriculture.
All this made the park an indispensable sight to be visited by many

Today, the park is totally neglected and devastated. The plants are
destroyed for the most part. Of the earlier 359 species only some fifteen
species have survived. The buildings are either destroyed or in a better case,
devastated. Its regeneration will be complex and difficult. Why is the park

The answer lies in ourselves: we do not look upon gardens and parks as
products of creative thought, the highly complex and ingenious aftermath of
human expertise and culture combined with nature and long-lasting expert
care, but as an improvisation and a supplement to architecture.