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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2005 str. 41     <-- 41 -->        PDF

Tablica 15. Vodeći izvoznici tropskog oblog neobrađenogdrva 1999. i 2000. u milijunima m3
Tab. 15 The Leading Tropical Roundwood in the Rough
Exporters in 1999. and 2000 in Million m3

Regija – Region 1999. mil. m3 2000. mil. m3
Malezija – Malaysia 6,7 6,5
Gabon – Gabon 2,0 2,6
Papua Nova Gvineja
Papua New Guinea 2,0 1,9
Myanmar (biv. Burma)
Myanmar 1,0 0,9
Kamerun – Cameroon 1,0 0,6
Republika Kongo
Rep.of Congo 0,5 0,8
Ekvatorijalna Gvineja
Equatorial Guinea 0,4 0,5
Indonezija – Indonesia 0,3 1,5
Liberija – Liberia 0,2 0,6
Ostali – Other 4,1 4,5
Ukupno – Total 18,2 20,4

Izvor – Source: FAO, 2002,Yearbook 2000

SUMMARY: From the middle of the 20th century of the 2nd Millenium, the
perception of forest of our planet is not any more exclusively connected for
the wood as material for building, heating and similar. The methods have
been developed for evaluation and measurement of overall values of forests
as association of organic and anorganic world, which is absolutely required
for the existence on the planet Earth. Measurements and calculations prove
wood being in the total value of forests represent only a small part of the values
the forest signifies in the maintenance of the vegetation and animal world,
particularly for the human race, which being more numerous, and these, non-
wood values, relatively grow at astonishing rate. Since the wood is a monetary
product, its value being subject to market supply and demand, the influential
benefits forests provide, are being valorised by a principle of costs for
substitutes absolutely necessary for survival, becomes from day to day astonishingly

According t
tto contemporary knowledge an essential reason for continuous

devastation of forests at the global level are being considered as the conditions
of forests ownership and state organization, i.e. division of rights and
responsibilities between different actors. It is the conclusion of Interlaken
Workshop held 27.–30. April 2004 in the Bern’s Oberland, dealing the problem
of the decentralisation in the forest sector. Sponsorized by the Forest
Forum of the UN, the subject of this most important problem has been discussed.
Now and earlier, on the global level, about 70 % of the world’s forest
area is claimed either by central or provincial governmental administration,
regardless of the fact that these forests often and for long period are used and
claimed by local authorities. By this ocasion the decentralisation in forestry
has been designated as one of the most important keys for maintaining the
Earth’s forest cover and sustained management of forests. Since the wood is
just a small part of value forests as a living organism providing for the world,
it is inadmissible to destruct it.

Nevertheless that wood (including of course marketable by-products) at
the market has a monetary value, in the least developed countries of the world

Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXIX (2005), 489-500