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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 157     <-- 157 -->        PDF

UDK 630* 116 + 114.2 i 425




SAŽETAK: Resursi visoko kvalitetne prirodne vode predstavljaju ozbiljan
problem, posebice u ekonomski intenzivno iskorištavanim predjelima.

U radu se daju primjeri važnosti šuma za zaštitu kvalitete vodnih resursa.
U prvom slučaju, analizira se funkcija poplavne šume u bazenu rijeke Morave,
posebno s gledišta intercepcije čestica zemlje koje dopiru iz izrazito gno

jenih poljoprivrednih zemljišta putem krošanja poplavne šume i posljednično,

visoke akumulacije elemenata kao što su N i P u sastojinipoplavne šume, koji

bi inače predstavljali elemente zagađenja u vodi rijeke.

Drugi slučaj odnosi se na područje visočja Drahany. Ocjenjuje se uloga
šume u smislu čišćenja vodnih resursa u usporedbi sa susjednim poljoprivrednim
kultiviranim dijelovima okoliša.

U oba slučaja prikazuju se pozitivni učinci važnosti šume za očuvanje kvalitete
vodnih resursa. Još jedan primjer odnosi se na promjenu u kvaliteti vodnih
resursa pri obnovi čistom sječom, prilikom čega u vodne resurse mogu
dospjeti veće količine nitrata. Procjenjuje se i funkcija biljne vegetacije u područjima
čiste sječe, koja preuzima znatne količine dušika sve do pojave nove
zatvorene sastojine, pa se tako smanjuje ulazak dušika u podzemnu vodu.

1. UVOD - Introduction
Sa sve većim antropogenim utjecajima na prirodu, pod bukovom sastojinom, a mobilnost nitrata na posješume
postaju sve važniji čimbenik u očuvanju kvalitete čenoj površini uzrokovalo je daje njihova koncentracija
vodnih resursa. Međutim, moramo uzeti u obzir da neu
pitkoj vodi premašila vrijednosni prag. Iako gornja
gativni utjecaji čovjekovih aktivnosti također utječu na tvrdnja ne traba vrijediti općenito, činjenica je da je
šumske ekosustave, pa se tako ta funkcija može smanjiproblem
rctencije bioelemenata kao što su dušik i fosti.
Stoga su od velike važnosti metode šumskog gospofor
u biomasi šumskih ekosustava važan čimbenik u
darenja i uporabe. Wilper t (2003) spominje da se očuvanju kvalitete vodnih resursa. Prema tome, treba
kvaliteta vode smanjuje, a koncentracija nitrata raste titakođer
obratiti pozornost inputu dušika iz atmosfere u
jekom posljednjih desetljeća do iznosa od 2-5 mg.l"1 do šumske ekosustave, što može rezultirati (u nekim
10-30 mg.l" . Drugi je problem povećanje DOC, alumislučajevima)
natapanjem šumskih ekosustava dušikom
nija i teških metala. Stanje šume i njena udaljenost od i negativnim utjecajima na kvalitetu vode. Potencijalni
prirodnih uvjeta može znatno utjecati na kvalitetu vorizici
povećanog inputa dušika mogu također potaknuti
de. Wilpert (2003) primijećuje daje pod sastojinom mineralizaciju humusa (F e g e r 2003).
smreke nađeno veće protjecanje elemenata od onoga

Prema Feger u (2003), konverzije čistih monokul

tura norveške smreke u mješovitim šumama mogu ta

kođer proizvesti pozitivne utjecaje na kvalitetu vode.

* Prof. Emil Klimo, Doc. Jiri Kulhavy, Mendelovo sveučilište
Stoga moderni trendovi potrajnog šumskog gospoda

poljoprivrede i šumarstva, Brno

renja uzimaju u obzir i zaštitu vodnih resursa. Ove su

CZ-613 00 Brno, Zemedelska 3, Czech Republic

ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 158     <-- 158 -->        PDF

Šumarski list - SUPLLMLNT (2005). 155-164

ekstrakcije elemenata u biomasu šumskih ekosustava
također važne za nemobilnost elemenata kao što su
kadmij i cink. Wieshammer etal. (2003) spominju
da npr. Salix caprea i Salix fragilis pokazuju velik potencijal
povlačenja Cd, Zn, a ponekad i Pb, iz tla.

Pozitivna uloga šume u retenciji N03-N, NH4-N i
PO4-P bilježe Swank i Waide (1987) na primjeru
projekta Coweeta. Swank (1987) također kaže, daje,
npr. u sustavu obnove čistom sječom evapotranspiracija
smanjena, površinsko otjecanje se povećava, a istovremeno
se povećava izvoz nutrijenata. Proces transporta i
pohranjivanja nutrijenata u šumskom ekosustavu uključuje
nekoliko djelomičnih procesa. U utvrđivanju uloge
šume u očuvanju kvalitete šumskih resursa važno je
obratiti pozornost ovim parcijalnim procesima. Oni su:

> Input elemenata u oborinama na površunu sklopa
šumske sastojine;

Interakcija krošanja (učinak filtracije sklopa, reak

cija sa suhim depozicijama, istjecanje nutrijenata iz

tkiva biljaka, itd.);
> Input nutrijenata s kišom što dopire kroz sklop
do tla;
> Input nutrijenata s kišom što se slijeva niz deblo;
> Promjene u kvaliteti vode što prodire kroz profil tla;
> Output elemenata iz ekosustava.

Područje poplavnih šuma južne Moravske u aluviju
rijeka Morave i Dyje pod znatnim je antropogenim utjecajem.
Vode i rijeke, riječne okuke i podzemne vode
također su zagađene, posebice intenzivnom poljoprivredom
i industrijom hrane. Očuvanje kvalitete podzemne
vode od velike je važnosti, jer se i ona rabi kao izvor
pitke vode.

REZULTATI I DISKUSIJA - Results and discussion
2.1 Opći opis područja ispitivanja -General description of the study area
Rijeka Morava, koja utječe u Dunav nad Bratislavom,
važna je pritoka u središnjem dijelu Dunava, jer
utječe na rijeku kako zbog izlijevanja, tako i u smislu
kvalitete vode. Sliv rijeke Morave prirodna je teritorijalna
jedinica smještena na liniji razdvajanja češkog visogorja,
Zapadnih Karpata i Panonske provincije, a hidrologijski
pripada bazenu Crnog mora. Površina teritorija
Republike Čehoslovačke, Republike Slovačke i Austrije
je 24.000 km", uključujući 3 % dunavskog sliva.

Poplavne šume u regiji, stoje predmet studije, pokrivaju
oko 7.500 ha. Sastav vrsta u ekosustavima je sljedeći:
hrast 37 %, jasen 34 %, joha i vrba 4 %, topola
7,5 %, ostale listače 17,5 %, te četinjače 0,5 %. Ostale
listače predstavljene su javorom, brijestom, grabom i
lipom (Slika 1).

Promjene u prirodnom hidrologijskom režimu, ekstenzivni
hidroinženjerski radovi na donjim tokovima
rijeka, te činjenica da bazeni Morave i Dyje uključuju
gusto naseljena područja aglomeracija Brna, Zlina i
Olomouca, te industrijskih područja i intenzivno obrađivanih
zemljišta s industrijama poljoprivredne obrade,
rezultiraju značajnim zagađenjem vodenih tokova i
njihovom brzom eutrofikacijom. Ispuštanje i ispiranje
materijala i propadanje kvalitete vode odražavaju se

Slika 1. Pogled na ušće Morave i Dyje

Fig. 1 General view of the confluence of the Morava
and Dyje rivers
(Foto -Photo: P. Vrba)

uglavnom u režimu kisika, nitrata, sadržaju topivih i
netopivih materijala i izvjesnim specifičnim mineralnim
komponentama. Glavni izvori zagađenja su postrojenja
za obradu, kao što su rafinerije šećera i tvornice
škroba, koje u jesenskim mjesecima, tj. u vrijeme
kada je učinak samočišćenja vodenih tokova na najnižem
stupnju, znatno pogoršavaju kvalitetu vode.

2.2 Metode -Methods
U svrhu postizanja ciljeva, istraživanje se orijentiAtmosferski
input N i P, njihovo prenošenje iz veralo
na sljedeće: getacije u tlo, te prijenos N i P u rastopinu tla.

Stanje šumske vegetacije i akumulacija elemenata Vegetacija preuzima N i P.
(N, P) u određenim komponentama ekosustava poplavne

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E. Klimo. .1. Kulhavy: ULOGA ŠUME U ZAŠTITI KVALITETE VODNIH RESURSA Šumarski list - SUPLEMENT (2005), 155-164
2.3 Budžet dušika i fosfora unutar ekosustava poplavne šume
Nitrogen and phosporus budget within the floodplain forest ecosystem

Za neke ekosustave, heterogeni je razvoj nekih
komponenata cirkuliranja nutrijenata tipičan. To se također
odnosi na većinu šumskih ekosustava. Na primjer,
cirkuliranje elemenata unutar proučavanog ekosustava
bilo je pod snažnim utjecajem velikih unosa
elemenata uslijed redovitih poplava i blata bogatog nutrijentima
deponiranim na površini tla. Iako je taj proces
bio prekinut tehničkim poboljšanjima vodnog režima,
on ipak djeluje na razinu primarne proizvodnje,
te tako rezultira većim obrtanjem određenih hranjivih
tvari, posebice dušika.

Položaj ekosustava poplavne šume u krajoliku se
također postupno izmijenio. Susjedno travnato zemljište
(Slika) i šumski ekosustavi su se izmijenili, korak
po korak, u intenzivno kultivirane agroekosustave, s
visokim unosom gnojiva. Na taj način, poplavna je
šuma poprimila karakter koridorskog ekosustava s atipičnim
visokim unosima elemenata prenošenih iz susjednih

Naša je studija orijentirana prema vrednovanju sadašnje
situaciju u budžetu N i P. Na temelju podataka
danih u Tablici 1, moguće je vidjeti daje dušik važan
element za egzistenciju poplavne šume, pa tako šuma
može ispuniti ulogu zadržavanja tog elementa kao zagađivača
rijeka Moravc i Dyjc, od kojih je prva važna
pritoka Dunava. Njegova ukupna vrijednost akumulirana
u čitavom ekosustavu doseže 25 842 kg.ha" , od
čega je najveći udjel akumuliran u okolišu tla, posebice
u korijenskom sloju (14 846 kg.ha"´). Vrijednost
dušika u biomasi šumske sastojine također je visoka u
usporedbi s ostalim šumskim ekosustavima umjerene
zone (1804 kg.ha"1).

Akumulacija dušika i fosfora u površinskom humusu
relativno je niska, stoje rezultat intenzivne razgradnje
listinca. Unos dušika i fosfora u okoliš tla događa
se posebice preko listinca iz svih komponenata ekosustavne
biomase, ali isto preko unosa iz atmosfere bi

Slika 2. Travni sustav u poplavnoj šumi

Fig. 2 Grassland system in a floodplain forest
(Foto-Photo: E. Klimo)

lo kao suhe depozicije, ili oborinama (unos padom listinca
i oborinama). Unos N i P u oborine pod jakim je
utjecajem. Šuma oblikuje barijeru kojom štiti vodne
ekosustave od zagađenja (Slika 2).

Proces unosa N i P poplavnim vodama iz rijeka Dyje
i Morave zaustavljen je izgradnjom rezervoara Nove
Mliny godine 1972. Trenutno je to djelomično zamijenjeno
umjetnim poplavljivanjem. Od 1972. redovne se
prirodne poplave, a s njima i unosi mulja u poplavnu
šumu, ne pojavljuju. Sedimcntacija mulja događa se
tek na obalama vodotokova (Slika 3).


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Slika 3. Promjene travnatih sustava u obradivo zemljište

Fig. 3 Transformation of the grassland system in to arable land

(Yo\o-Photo: E. Klimo)

Tablica 1. Vertikalni raspored rezervi dušika u poplavnom
šumskom ekosustavu

Table 1 Vertical distribution of nutrient reserves in the
floodplain forest ecosystem (kg. ha´1)

(Klimo 1985)

Krošnje, grane i lišće
Tree crown, branches & leaves 473 41
Debla Trunks
1 044 42
Grmlje (na površini)
Shrubs (abovegroundpart) 55 8
Prizemno rašće (izbojci)
Herbs (shoots) 22 4
Ukupno -Total 1 594 95
Površinski humus, godišnji prosjek
Surface humus, annual mean 99 6
Korijenje: stabla, grmlje
Roots: trees, shrubs, herbs 210 34
Dušične rezerve: rizosfera
Nutrient reserves: rhizosphere 14 846 4 953
Rezerve: bez rizosfere
Reserves: without rhizosphere 9 093 5 085
Biljke ukupno Plants
total 1 804 129
Tlo ukupno - Soil total 24 038 10044
Sveukupno Sum
total 25 842 10173

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Šumarski SUPLF.MENT (2005). 155-164
2.4 Uklanjanje nutrijenata - Nutrient removal
Ekosustavi poplavnih šuma mogu preuzeti i vezati
velike količine posebice dušika i fosfora zbog visokih
razina proizvodnje biljne mase i značajnog kapaciteta
adsorpcije tla (Tab. 4).

Tablica 2. Ukupna težina elemenata koji ulaze u okolinu tla
(godišnje u kg.ha"1)

Table 2 Total weight of elements entering the soil environment
(kg.ha´.year´) (Klimo 1985)

Listinac: drveće - Litterfall: trees 76.5 11.2
Mrtvo korijenje - Dead roots 13.0 1.5
Listinac: grmlje i prizemno rašće
Litterfall: shrubs & herbs 18.0 4.3
Oborine -Precipitation 5 4
Ukupno -Total 112.5 21.0

Tablica 3. Iskorištavanje hranjiva u šumskoj sastojim
(godišnje u kg.ha"1)

Table 3 Uptake of nutrients by the forest stand
(kg.ha´.year´) (Klimo 1985)

Stabla -Trees 178 11
Grmlje -Shrubs 24 3
Prizemno rašće -Herbs 22 4
Ukupno -Total 224 18

Tablica 4. Godišnja bilanca hranjiva u profilu tla

Table 4 Annual balance of nutrients within the soil profile
(1973) (Klimo 1985)

Oslobođeno iz A

Released from A

Akumulirano u B

Accumulation in B
Pomak -Shift

kg.ha"´ % kg.ha"´ % kg. ha"1 %

146.7 100 10.0 100 18.5 100
120.3 82 6.5 65 17.0 92
26.4 18 3.5 35 1.5 8
Šuma preuzima nutrijente u iznosima od 18 kg.ha"´
na godinu"1 P i 224 kg. ha"´ na godinu ´ N. Maksimum
obiju nutrijenata postigla su stabla; grmovi i trave doprinijele
su znatno manje tom procesu (Tab. 3).

Istovremeno, osim kapaciteta uklanjanja zagađivača,
šumski ekosustav oblikuje barijeru protiv erozije
od vjetra, što dolazi od teško gnojenih poljoprivrednih
zemljišta u okolnom krajoliku (SI. 3).

Uslijed tih činjenica, moguće je preporučiti očuvanje
i povećanje ekosustava, kako bi se obnovila njihova
funkcija u krajoliku.

2.5 Ekonomsko vrednovanje poplavnih šuma u južnoj Moravskoj
Economic evaluation of floodplain forests in Southern Moravia

Ekonomsko vrednovanje poplavnih šuma vezano je
uz njihove sljedeće temeljne karakteristike:

Biološka vrijednost, biljna i životinjska raznolikost;
Primarna proizvodnja, tj. biomasa drveća, grmlja i
Rrekrcacijska uloga područja;
Zaštita vodnih resursa (retencija elemenata);
obrazovna, estetska i znanstvena važnost.
Izmjenjivanje ekosustava šume, travnjaka, močvare
i voda (rijeke, jezera) tipično je za poplavne šume
južne Moravske.
Nema mnogo iskustva s ekonomskim vrednovanjem
uloga šumskih ekosustava, pa su naši zaključci
temeljeni uglavnom na publikaciji WWF "Economic
Evaluation of Danube Floodplains" (1995). Stoga citiramo
uvodni dio publikacije:
U vrednovanju funkcije "čišćenja" poplavne šume
kroz proces retencije N i P u ekosustavnim komponentama
(drveću, grmlju, travama, humusu, tlu), nalazimo
vrlo visoke akumulacije posebice N (25.842 kg.ha" ).
Ako uzmemo da 1 kg N odgovara ECU 14, ukupna je
količina jednaka 361.788 ECU ha"´. S obzirom na P,

10.173 kg.ha ´ je akumulirano, a kada 1 kg P odgovara
ECU 4, tada je ukupna količina jednaka 40.692 ECU ha"´.
Osim u stvarnim šumskim sastojinama, funkcija
čišćenja usmjerena na vodne resurse pojavljuje se isto
tako u drugim ekosustavima koji su komponenta poplavnih
šuma. To se posebice odnosi na bare, riječne
okuke i travnjake. Ovdje je ta funkcija u vezi s fitoplanktonom
i retencijom dušika i fosfora u travnatim
zemljištima, gdje se nadzemna biomasa troši kosidbom
i pašom, a bogati korijenski sustav akumulira
znatne količine elemenata.

Slika 4. Sedimenti na obali vodotoka

Fig. 4 Sediments on the hank of a watercourse
(Foto-Photo: E. Klimo)

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E. Klimo, J. Kulhavy: ULOGA ŠUME U ZAŠTITI KVALITETE VODNIH RESURSA Šumarski list - SUPLEMENT (2005), 155-164
Ulaz iz atmosfere
poljoprivrednog zemljišta

Input from atmosphere

and agriculture land

Akumulacija u
sloju stabala

in tree layer

Akumulacija u
sloju grmlja


in shrub layer

Akumulacija u sloju


prizemnog rašća




in herb layer

by plant Otpalo
biomass lišće

u listincu

in litter

Akumulacija u
profilu tla


in soil profile

Y Ispiranje u podzemne vode

Leaching to underground water

Slika 5. Transport i akumulacija N i P u poplavnom šumskom ekosustavu

Fig. 5 Transport and accumulation ofN and P within the floodplain forest ecosystem

3. ZAKLJUČCI - Conclusions
Ekosustavi poplavne šume funkcioniraju kao prirodbiljnih
zajednica i abiotičkog okoliša, pojavljuje se
ni sustav, što uklanja i akumulira zagađivače vode, kao optimalni uvjet za ove ekosustave.
posebice dušika i fosfora na relativno dugo vrijeme;

Očuvanjem mješovite visoko produktivne šume s
Poplavna šuma, što se pojavljuje pod stalnim optihrastom,
jasenom, lipom i grmljem te travnim slojemalnim
uvjetima za obnavljanje ravnoteže između vima na terenima s visokom razinom podzemne

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Šumarski list SUPLEMENT (2005), 155-164
vode i obalama vodotokova na kojima dominira vr

ba i topola, čini se optimalnim uvjetom poplavnih

šuma duž rijeka Morave i Dyje.

Kako bi se održavala funkcija poplavne šume s gledišta
njene produktivnosti i na taj način i kao potencijalno
uklanjanje zagađivača, potrebno je uvesti
revitalizacijski projekt (regulaciju vodnog režima),

što će pomoći u povećanju bioraznolikosti i ukla

njanju zagađivača;

Uz šumske ekosustave, travnjaci i vodeni ekosustavi
imaju važnu ulogu u očuvanju kvalitete vodnih
4. LITERATURA - References
Economic Evaluation of Danube Floodplains, A WWF
International Discussion Paper, March 1995,
24 pp.

Feger, K.H., 2003: Water Quality and Sustainable Management
of Forests: Problem and Challenges.
In: Conference on Water and Society - Needs,
Challenges and Restrictions, 19-21 November
2003, Vienna, BOKU.

Klimo, E., 1985: Cycling of mineral nutrients. In:
Pcnka. M. et all., Floodplain Forest Ecosystem
1, Academia, Praha, 425^158.

Present and Future Role in Nutrient Removal from
Surface Water by Wetlands, Floodplains and Reservoirs,
Phare project 201/91, Task 2, Intern
Report Phase 1, Water Research Institute, Bratislava,
1997,41 pp.

Swank, W.T., J.B.Waide, 1988: Characterization of
Baseline Precipitation and Stream Chemistry and

Nutrient Budgets for Control Watersheds. In:

W.T. Swank, D.A. Crosslcy Jr., Eds. Forest Hydrology
and Ecology at Coweeta, Spring-Verlag,
Ecological Studies 66, 57-79.
Swank, W.T., 1988: Stream Chemistry Responses to
Disturbance. In: W.T. Swank, D.A.Crossley Jr.,
Eds. Forest Hydrology and Ecology at Coweeta,
Spring-Verlag, Ecological Studies 66, 340-357.

Wieshammer, G. at all., 2003: Phytoextraction of
Cadmium and Zink Using Willows: Microbial
Effects. In: Conference on Water and Society Needs,
Challenges and Restrictions, 19-21 November
2003, Vienna, BOKU.

Wilpcrt, K. von, 2003: The Potential of Forestry for
Water Preservation - Case Studies from Black
Forests, Germany. In: Conference on Water and
Society - Needs, Challenges and Restrictions,
19-21 November 2003, Vienna, BOKU.

ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 166     <-- 166 -->        PDF

E. Klimo. J. Kulhavy: THE ROLE OF FLOODPLAIN FORESTS IN SOUTHERN MORAVIA ... Šumarski list SUPLEMENT (2005). 155-164

Floodplain forest ecosystems function as a natural
system which removes and accumulates water pollutants,
particularly nitrogen and phosphorus for a
relatively long time.
A floodplain forest occurring under permanent optimum
conditions for the recreation of balance between
plant communities and the abiotic environment appears
to be an optimum condition for these ecosystems.
Preserving a mixed highly productive forest with
oak, ash, lime and shrub and herb layers on sites
with the high level of groundwater and banks of watercourses
dominated by willow and poplar appears
to be the optimum condition of floodplain forests
along the Morava and Dyje Rivers.

In order to maintain the function of the floodplain
forest from the aspect of its productivity and thus
also of the potential removal of pollutants it is necessary
to implement the revitalization project (water
regime regulation) which will help to increase
biodiversity and pollutant removal.
In addition to forest ecosystems grassland and
aquatic ecosystems show an important role for the
preservation of the quality of water resources.

ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 163     <-- 163 -->        PDF




SUMMARY: Resources of drinking water of high quality are a serious problem
particularly in the intensively economically used landscape. The paper
gives examples of the importance of forests for the protection of quality of water
resources. In the first case, the function of a floodplain forest is analysed
in the basin of the Morava River, particularly from the viewpoint of intercepting
soil particles carried from markedly fertilized agricultural soils by
crowns of the floodplain forest and further the high accumulation of elements
such as N and P in the floodplain forest stand which otherwise could be a pollution
element for the river water. High primary production capable to retain
high amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus is an important factor for the role
of a floodplain forest. Channelization of rivers and construction of the Nove
Mlyny reservoirs bring about the need of artificial flooding which is not, however,
fully identical with natural floods particularly from the viewpoint of
water quality.

K ey w o rds: water quality, floodplain forests

With growing anthropogenic impacts on nature foment
retention such as nitrogen and phosphorus in the
rests become increasingly a more important factor for biomass of forest ecosystems is an important factor for
the preservation of quality of water resources. However, the preservation of water resources quality. Thus, atwe
have to take into account that negative impacts of tention is also paid to the input of nitrogen from atmoshuman
activities affect also forest ecosystems and thus phere to forest ecosystems which can result (in certain
this function can be reduced. Therefore, methods of focases)
in the saturation of forest ecosystems by nitrorest
management and use are of great importance. W i 1 -gen and negative effects on water quality. Potential
pert (2003) mentions that water quality decreases and risks of the increased input of nitrogen can also stimuas
for the concentration of nitrates it increases in the late mineralization of humus (F e g e r 2003).
course of recent decades from typical outputs of water

According to Fegc r (2003), conversions of pure

from forest ecosystems amounting to 2-5 mg.f1 to

Norway spruce monocultures to mixed forests can also

10-30 mg.r´. Another problem is the increase of DOC,

bring positive impacts on water quality. Therefore,

aluminium and heavy metals. The condition of a forest

modern trends of sustainable forest management take

and its distance from the natural condition can signifi

into consideration also protection of water resources.

cantly affect water quality. Wilper t (2003) notices

These extractions of elements by the biomass of fo

that the higher flux of elements was found under a

rest ecosystems are also important for the immobility

spruce stand than under a beech stand and nitrate mo

of elements such as cadmium and zinc. Wiesham

bility on a clear-felled area caused that their concentra

m c r et all. (2003) mention that eg Salix caprea and

tion in drinking water exceeded a threshold value. Alt

Salix fragilis show a high potential to withdraw Cd, Zn

hough the statement mentioned above does not have to

and sometimes also Pb from soil.
be general, there is a fact that the problem of bioele-

The positive role of a forest in the retention of NO r

N, NH4-N and P04-P note Swank and Waide

* Prof. Emil Klimo, Doc. Jiri Kulhavy, Institute of Forest Ecology,
(1987) on the example of Coweeta project. On the ot

Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry
CZ-613 00 Brno, Zemcdelska 3, Czech Republic her hand, actual losses for a forest ecosystem were

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F.. Klimo, J. Kulhavy: TI IF ROLF, OF FLOODPLAIN FORESTS IN SOUTHERN MORAVIA .Šumarski list SUPLEMENT (2005), 155-164

found in Ca, Na, K, Mg and Si02. S wan k (1987) also
states that for example, in the clear-felling system of
regeneration evapotranspiration is reduced, runoff
increases and at the same time, exports of nutrients
increase. A process of the transport and storage of nutrients
in a forest ecosystem includes several partial
processes. In the assessment of the role of a forest for
the preservation of quality of forest resources it is necessary
to pay attention to these partial processes. These

> input of elements in precipitation to the surface of a
forest stand canopy,

> crown interactions (canopy filtration effect, reaction
with dry depositions, leaching of nutrients
from plant tissues, etc.),

> input of nutrients in throughfall,
> input of nutrients in stemflow,
> changes in the quality of water penetrating through

the soil profile,
> output of elements from the ecosystem.
The area of floodplain forests of southern Moravia
in the alluvium of the Morava and Dyje rivers occurs
under considerable anthropogenic impact, water in rivers,
oxbows and also ground waters are polluted particularly
by intensive agriculture and food industry. Preservation
of the quality of ground water is of great importance
because it is also used as the sources of drinking

2.1 General description of the study area
The Morava river flowing into the Danube above
Bratislava is an important tributary in the central part
of the Danube influencing the river both from the viewpoint
of discharge and water quality. The Morava river
watershed is a natural territorial unit situated on the
dividing line of the Bohemian Uplands, Western Carpathians
and Panonian Province belonging, from

the point of hydrology, to the Black Sea Basin. The
area of the territory of the Czech Republic, the Slovak
Republic and of Austria amounts to 24 000 km" accounting
for 3 % of the Danube watershed.

Floodplain forests in the region under study cover
about 7500 ha. Species composition in the ecosystems is
as follows: oak 37 %, ash 34 %, alder and willow 4 %,
poplar 7.5 %, other broadleaves 17.5 % and conifers

0.5 %. Other broadleaves are represented by maple, elm,
hornbeam and lime (Fig. 1).
Changes in the natural hydrological regime, extensive
hydroenginecring works on the lower reaches of
rivers, and the fact that the basins of the Morava and
the Dyje include the densely inhabited areas of the Brno,
Zlin and Olomouc agglomerations, as well as industrial
areas and intensively farmed lands with agricultural
processing industries result in the considerable
pollution of the watercourses and their rapid eutrophication.
The release and washing of materials, deterioration
in the water quality are reflected mainly in the
oxygen regime, nitrates, the content of soluble and insoluble
materials, and certain specific mineral components.
Major sources of pollution are processing
plants such as sugar refineries and starch factories
which in the autumn months, ie at a time when the self-
cleaning effect of watercourses is at its lowest, considerably
worsen the water quality.

2.2 Methods
To fulfil the objectives the research is orientated as

The condition of forest vegetation and element
accumulation (N, P) in particular components of the
floodplain forest ecosystem.

2.3 Nitrogen and phosporus budget
For same ecosystems, a heterogeneous development
of some components of nutrient cycling is typical.
It also applies to the majority of forest ecosystems.
For example, the cycling of elements within the ecosystem
under study was strongly affected by high inputs
of elements resulting from regular floods and mud rich
in nutrients deposited on the soil surface. Although this

Atmospheric input of N and P, their transport from
vegetation into soil and N and P transport into the
soil solution.

Uptake of N and P by vegetation.

within the floodplain forest ecosystem

process has been interrupted by technical improvements
of the water regime, it still affects the level of
primary production and thus results in a greater turnover
of particular nutrients especially nitrogen.

The position of the floodplain forest ecosystem within
the landscape has also gradually changed. The neighbouring
grassland (photo) and forest ecosystems ha

ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 165     <-- 165 -->        PDF

E. Klimo, J. Kulhavy: THE ROLF. OF FLOODPLAIN FORESTS IN SOUTHERN MORAVIA ... Šumarski list - SUPLEMENT (2005), 155-164
ve been changed, step by step, into intensively cultivated
agroecosystems, with high inputs of fertilizers. In
this way, the floodplain forest has assumed the character
of a corridor ecosystem, with typical high inputs of elements
transported from neighbouring ecosystems.

Our study was oriented towards the evaluation of
the present situation in N and P budget. Based on the
data given in Tab. 1, it is possible to see that nitrogen is
an important element for the existence of a floodplain
forest and so the forest can also fulfil the role of retaining
the element as a pollutant for the Morava and Dyje
Rivers the former being an important tributary of the
Danube River. Its total value accumulated in the whole
ecosystem amounts to 25 842 kg.ha"´, the highest proportion
of which being accumulated in the soil environment,
particularly in the root layer (14 846 kg.ha"´).
Nitrogen value in the forest stand biomass is also high
as compared with other forest ecosystems in a temperate
zone (1804 kg.ha"´).

Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in a surface
humus is relatively low the fact being the result of an
intensive decomposition of litter. Nitrogen and phosphorus
input into the soil environment occurs particularly
through the litter from all components of the ecosystem
biomass but also through the input from atmosphere
either as dry depositions or as precipitation (input by litter
fall and precipitation). N and P input in precipitation
is markedly affected. The forest forms a barrier protecting
the water ecosystems from pollution (Fig. 2).

The process of N and P input by flood waters from
the Dyje and Morava Rivers was stopped by the construction
of Nove Mlyny reservoirs in 1972. At present,
it is partly substituted by artificial flooding. Since
1972, regular natural floods and thus also inputs of
sludges into the floodplain forest do not occur. Sedimentation
of the sludges occurs only on banks of watercourses
(Fig. 3).

2.4 Nutrient removal
The floodplain forest ecosystem can uptake and
bind large amounts of particularly nitrogen and phosphorus
due to high levels of plant biomass production
and considerable soil adsorption capacity (Tab. 4).

Nutrient uptake by the forest stand was 18 kg.ha"1
year"1 P and 224 kg. ha"´ year"´ N. Maximum of both
nutrients was obtained by trees; shrubs and herbs contributed
in the process markedly less (Tab.3).

At the same time, in addition to the pollutant removal
capacity, the forest ecosystem forms a wind erosion
barrier from heavily fertilized agricultural land in the
surrounding landscape (Fig. 3).

Due to the facts, it is possible to recommend preservation
and enlargement of the ecosystems their function
in the landscape to be restored.

2.5 Economic evaluation of floodplain forests in Southern Moravia
Economic evaluation of floodplain forests is related
to their basic characteristics which are as follows.

biological value, viz. plant and animal biodiversity;
primary production, ie tree, shrub and herb biomass;
recreational role of the region;
protection of water resources (retention of elements);
educational, aesthetic and scientific importance.
Alternation of forest, grassland, wetland and water
(rivers, ponds) ecosystems is typical of the floodplain
forests of southern Moravia.
There is not much experience with the economic
evaluation of the roles of forest ecosystems and our
conclusions are based mainly upon the WWF publication
"Economic Evaluation of Danube Floodplains
(1995). We quote, therefore, the introductory part of
the publication here:
In evaluating the "purification" function of the
floodplain forest through the process of N and P reten

tion in ecosystem components (trees, shrubs, herbs, humus,
soil) we can find very high accumulation particularly
of N (25.842 kg.ha"1). If we consider that 1 kg N
corresponds to ECU 14 then total amount is equal to

361.788 ECU ha"´. As for P, 10.173 kg.ha"´ is accumulated
and when 1 kg P corresponds to ECU 4 then total
amount is equal to 40.692 ECU ha"´.
In addition to actual forest stands the purification
function aimed at water resources occurs also in other
ecosystems which are the component of floodplain forests.
It refers particularly to pools, oxbows and grasslands.
Here, the function is applied of phytoplankton
and retention of nitrogen and phosphorus in grasslands
where aboveground biomass is consumed by mowing
and grazing and a rich root system accumulates considerable
amounts of elements.