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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 166     <-- 166 -->        PDF

E. Klimo. J. Kulhavy: THE ROLE OF FLOODPLAIN FORESTS IN SOUTHERN MORAVIA ... Šumarski list SUPLEMENT (2005). 155-164

Floodplain forest ecosystems function as a natural
system which removes and accumulates water pollutants,
particularly nitrogen and phosphorus for a
relatively long time.
A floodplain forest occurring under permanent optimum
conditions for the recreation of balance between
plant communities and the abiotic environment appears
to be an optimum condition for these ecosystems.
Preserving a mixed highly productive forest with
oak, ash, lime and shrub and herb layers on sites
with the high level of groundwater and banks of watercourses
dominated by willow and poplar appears
to be the optimum condition of floodplain forests
along the Morava and Dyje Rivers.

In order to maintain the function of the floodplain
forest from the aspect of its productivity and thus
also of the potential removal of pollutants it is necessary
to implement the revitalization project (water
regime regulation) which will help to increase
biodiversity and pollutant removal.
In addition to forest ecosystems grassland and
aquatic ecosystems show an important role for the
preservation of the quality of water resources.