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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2006 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

T. Krznar, J. Čulig, K. Pintur, N. Popović, L. Štilinović: JE LI LOVSTVO U SUPROTNOSTI SA ZAŠTITOM ... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXX (2006), 125-130
evolutional levels, but also in its spiritual and cultural field. Nowadays one
can say that the hunting is both a practical and a scientific discipline, because
the object of its study is based on the biological knowledge of forestry, veterinary
medicine, ecology and similar disciplines. It is well known that hunting,
no matter what its motives were, has often been an instrument in the devastation
of nature. The modern way of life enables man to take whatever the
nature offers, without posing a threat upon his existence and the integrity of
nature. The authors believe that man would thus not be engaged in any kind of
biologically or ethically unaccepted activities. Modern hunting offers the way
by which it would not be an instrument of devastation but an important element
in the protection of nature

Key words: hunt, hunting
huntinghunting,, protection of nature, theory of hunting