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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2006 str. 95     <-- 95 -->        PDF

Josip Dundović, Tajana Krička
Energetska uporaba šumske i poljoprivredne biomase u Republici Hrvatskoj
The use of forest and agriculture biomass for energy in the Republic of Croatia

Sulejman Redžepović, Sanja Sikora
Uloga biološke fiksacije dušika u štednji energije i održivom gospodarenju tlom
The role of the biological nitrogen fixation in saving energy and sustainable land management

Zvonko Mustapić
Mogućnosti proizvodnje biodizelskoga goriva u Republici Hrvatskoj
The potentials of biodiesel production in the Republic of Croatia

Igor Anić, Slavko Matić, Milan Oršanić, Milan Štimac
Šume panjače ličkog područja kao izvor biomase za energiju
Coppice forests in Lika as a source of biomass energy

Ante P. B. Krpan, Željko Zečić
Biomasa nekih domaćih vrsta šumskog drveća
Biomasses amongst some local types of forest trees

Darko Kiš
Biomasa iz uljane repice – obnovljivi izvor energije
Biomass from rape seeds as a renewable energy source

Davorin Kajba, Saša Bogdan, Ida Katičić
Produkcija biomase vrba u pokusnim kulturama kratkih ophodnji u Hrvatskoj
The willow biomass production in short rotation clonal tests in Croatia
Josip Dundović
Centralizirani toplinski sustav UŠP Gospić
The centralized thermal system of facilities of Gospić

Drago Kraljević, Dubravko Filipović
Usporedba tehničkih karakteristika motora pri uporabi dizelskog i biodizelskog goriva
The comparison of technical performances of engines powered by diesel and biodiesel fuel

Goran Tomac
Centralizirani toplinski sustav Delnice
The centralized thermal system of Delnice

Neven Voća, Tajana Krička, Željko Jukić

o J
uu susta
sustavu održive poljoprivrede
The production of biodiesel fuel in the system of sustainable agriculture
Bojan Špoljar
Centralizirani toplinski sustav Đurđevac
The centralized thermal system of Đurđevac
Krešimir Žagar
Centralizirani toplinski sustav Našice
The centralized thermal system of Našice
Boris Varga, Zlatko Svečnjak, Željko Jukić
Obnovljivi resursi za proizvodnju etanola u RH
The renewable sources for the ethanol production in the Republic of Croatia
Željko Jukić, Neven Voća, Vanja Janušić, Ana Matin
Proizvodnja etanola i bioetanola iz kukuruza
The production of ethanol and bioethanol from corn
Darko Grbeša
Hranidbena svojstva suhog kukuruznog tropa s iscrpinom
The nutritive value of distiller’s dried grains with solublesa
Nikola Čupin
Toplifikacija Hrvatske na šumsku biomasu
The forest-biomass heating in Croatia