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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2007 str. 71     <-- 71 -->        PDF

Đ. Nikolandić, D. Degmečić: PRIRAST KOD EUROPSKE SRNE (Capreolus capreolus, L.) U ŠUMAMA . Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXI (2007), 565-574

3. S obzirom da su srne vrsta teritorijalnog ponašanja prirasta, jer proljetno/ljetni mortalitet lanadi može
s malim arealom aktivnosti, mužjaci oko 50 ha, a biti i do 50 %, a jednako tako niti on nije stalan, jer
ženke oko 35 ha (Nikolandić, 1972), ekološke varira od godine do godine.
karakteristike pojedinih biotopa imaju velik utjecaj 5. Ako se tijekom pet ili više godina ponavljaju velike
na stopu prirasta lokalnih populacija. razlike u visini planiranog i ostvarenog prirasta,

Broj i omjer spolova viđene lanadi tijekom svibnja i treba prilikom revizijske izrade lovnogospodarske
lipnja mogu biti samo opća informacija o prirastu, osnove promijeniti i koeficijente planiranog prirasta.
ali ne i podatak za određivanje stope ostvarenog
6. LITERATURA References
Almasan, H., 1967: Capriorul, mica monografie. N i k ol an d i ć , Đ., 1971: Teritorijalno ponašanje srna
Anderson, J., 1953: Analysis of a Danish roe deer u šumi Haljevo. Magistarski rad, Prirodno-matepopulation
(Capreolus capreolus, L.); Danish matički fakultet, pp 1–105.

review of game biology;vol.2.;str.127–155. Richter, S., Đ. Nikolandić, 1982: Neka zapaža-

Andersen, R., P. Duncan, J. D. C. Linnell, 1998 : nja o uzrocima uginuća srneće divljači. Vet. sta

The european roe deer – The biology of success. nica, br. 4. str. 51–58.

Scandinavian university press, pp. 1–376. Strandgaard, H., 1972: The roe deer (Capreolus

Danilkin , A., 1996: Behavioural ecology of siberian capreolus, L.) population at Kalo and the factors

and european roe deer. Chapman i Hall wildlife regulating its size, str.1–205.

ecolgy and behaviour series, pp. 1–277. Stubbe, C., 1997: Rehwild. Parey Buchverleg im

Gaillard, J. M., R. Andersen, 1997: Familly Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, pp 1–568.

effects on growth and survival of Juvenile roe

deer. Ecology, 79 (8): pp. 2878–2889.

N i k o la nd i ć ,
Đ., 1968: Ekološke karakteristike
populacije srna na Belju, Jelen – posebno izdanje,
pp 1–101.

SUMMARY: By means of the total count method, the basic population of
roe deer on three separate and ecologically different roe deer habitats was
counted this March and analysed according to gender/age. Based on the
number of kids found during the counting procedure, and after culling and
recording the loss of kids during the period from October – March, recruitment
rate of roe deer kids for the last hunting year was determined. The determined
number of roe deer kids and adult (brood) does was used to calculate
the coefficient of recruitment rate of the roe deer kids in the last hunting year.
The accuracy of the coefficient determined in such a way is questionable, and
the usage of that coefficient in planning the recruitment rate for making hunting
plans is not to be recommended. The long-term experience in the breeding
of roe deer and this research have proven that determining the recruitment
rate of roe deer kids in the above mentioned way, does not provide us
with accurate data because of the following reasons:

counting the roe deer in March does not provide us with accurate details
on the number of roe deer kids, because on greater distances and with the
fast movement of the game it is difficult to see the difference between a doe
and a kid, since roe deer kids are very similar to adult does in March: they
have similar bodily constitution and winter fur.

the recorded loss of kids during autumn-winter period cannot be considered
complete, because we cannot determine the real number of dead roe
deer kids just by the number of corpses or parts of the skeleton found,

the real number of roe deer kids lost in poachinl n and in traffic accidents
gg a
cannot be determined based only on the number of recorded cases of poa
