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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2008 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

etata u jednodobnim šumama u Hrvatskoj – di-1316-1:1997); I izdanje, Državni zavod za nor

jagnostička studija, ZIŠ, Šumarski fakultet mizaciju i mjeriteljstvo, Zagreb, 1–4.

sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 1–47. Anon, 2003: Osnova gospodarenja “Bjelovarska Bilo-
Anon, 1995: Hrvatske norme proizvoda a gora”. Važeća od 01. 01. 2003. – 31. 12. 2012.,

da iskorištavanj
šuma. II izdanje, Državni zavod za normizacij
normizacijnormizaciju i Hrvatske šume, Uprava šuma Podružnica Bje

za u i
mjeriteljstvo, Zagreb. lovar.
Anon, 1999: Hrvatska norma. Oblo drvo listača – Razvrstavanje
po kakvoći – 1 dio: Hrast i bukva (EN

SUMMARY: The subject of research was probability of appearance of
technical roundwood timber assortments in trees according to type of felling,
as well as the difference between shares of technical roundwood timber assortments
according to diameter class and type of felling. On the basis of the
research results, new assortment tables were made according to Croatian
Standards HRN EN 1316-1:1999. Research was carried out on a sample consisting
of 787 trees in thinning felling, 788 trees in preparatory felling, and
862 trees in seeding felling and 645 trees in final felling. An overall number of
3082 exemplary trees were included in the research. The age of the felling
areas studied was between 59 and 91 years in the preliminary yield (thinning),
94 to 110 years in preparatory felling, 100 to 112 years in seeding felling,
and 98 to 114 years in final felling areas.

Timber assortment tables that take into consideration the type of felling as
one of the inputs, enable a more reliable estimate of assortment structure of
the felling area and more precise planning of timber mass marked for felling.
In this case, as a distinguishing factor, we took the selection criterion for marking
trees for felling which is applied for the types up to, and including, the
preparatory felling. For that reason, timber assortment tables were made separately
for thinning and preparatory felling, and separately for seeding and
final felling.

Seeding and final felling show by ca 11 % higher shares of top quality timber
assortment (A and B class) than thinning and preparatory felling. On the
other side, thinning and preparatory felling show by ca 11 % higher shares of
technical roundwood assortment of lower quality (C and D class) than seeding
and final felling.

Key words: common beech, assortment structure, even-aged beech
stands, Croatian Standard HRN EN 1316-1:1999