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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2008 str. 11     <-- 11 -->        PDF

F. Tomić, T. Krička i S. Matić: RASPOLOŽIVE POLJOPRIVREDNE POVRŠINE I MOGUĆNOSTI ŠUMA ... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXII (2008), 323-330
ljivih izvora energije u EU, Poljoprivreda i šu-ljoprivreda i šumarstvo kao proizvođači obnovmarstvo
kao proizvođači obnovljivih izvora ljivih izvora energije, Hrvatska akademija znaenergije,
Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjet-nosti i umjetnosti, Zbornik radova znanstvenog
nosti, Zbornik radova znanstvenog skupa, str. skupa, str. 43–52, Zagreb.
9–16, Zagreb. Vidaček, Ž., M. Bogunović, S. Husnjak, M.

Kralik, D., (2007): Potencijali Republike Hrvatske u Sraka, A. Bensa, (2005): Hidropedološka
proizvodnji bioplina, Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo karta Republike Hrvatske, u mjerilu 1:300.000,
kao proizvođači obnovljivih izvora energije, Hr-Zavod za pedologiju Agronomskog fakulteta
vatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zbornik Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb.
radova znanstvenog skupa, str. 181–189, Zagreb. Vuk, B. i suradnici (2007): Energija u Hrvatskoj, Go-

Ma ti ć, S., (2007): Zahvati njege i obnove kao način dišnji energetski pregled, Ministarstvo gospopridobivanja
drva za energiju i povećanja kvalite-darstva, rada i poduzetništva Republike Hrvatte
šuma u Hrvatskoj, Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo ske, Zagreb.
kao proizvođači obnovljivih izvora energije, Hr-xxx, (2003): Directive 2003/30/EC of the European
vatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zbornik Parlament and of the Council on the promotion
radova znanstvenog skupa, str. 17–41, Zagreb. of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels

Ma ti ć, S., (2007a): Bioenergija-izazov i prilika šumar-for transport, Official Journal of the EU, Brustva
Hrvatske, u: I. Grbac (ur), Nove tehnologije i xelles.
materijali u industrijama baziranim na sektoru xxx, (2004): Karte staništa Republike Hrvatske, u mješumarstva,
Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Za-rilu 1:100.000, DZZO, Zagreb.
grebu, Zagrebački velesajam, 5–11, Zagreb. xxx, (2006): Statistički ljetopis Republike Hrvatske,

To m ić , F. i T. Kri čk a, (2007): Strategija proizvod-str. 235–270, Zagreb.
nje i korištenja biogoriva u Europskoj uniji, Po-

SUMMARY: The production and expansion of biofuel use in the world and
the EU has been prompted by economic and ecological reasons. Fossil fuel
reserves (oil and gas) are being depleted and becoming more expensive. At
the same time the Kyoto Protocol stipulates the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions with the goal of mitigating climatic phenomena which could cause
unforeseen consequences.

Land for biomass production is limited: therefore, biofuels could, following
the EU strategy, replace fossil fuels only in one part. In addition to developing
other renewable energies (hydro energy, solar energy, wind energy,
geothermal energy), the EU committed itself to replace traffic oil with biofuels
by 25 % by the year 2030. As Croatia is an EU membership candidate, the
first thing it is required to do is to fulfill the obligation of achieving a 5.75 %
proportion of biofuels (104,034 tons), held by each member state, by the year
2010. This is followed by the fulfillment of the commitment for the year 2020

2,325 tons).

(180,930 tons) and by the year 2030 (452,325 tons)
OOf the total continental land area ofCroati
11 ha), agricultural
land covers 2,955,728 ha or 52.2 %.
In Croatia, 55.9% or 1,202,000 ha of a total of 2,150,000 ha of potentially
arable land are cultivated. If pastures are excluded, then arable land amounts
to only 50.8 % or 1,092,000 ha.
With the application of more or less intensive ameliorative measures,
agrocultures could be cultivated for food production and partially for biofuel
production over as many as 947.080 ha of available land in Croatia.
Permanently unsuitable land for agricultural production in Croatia
amounts to 806,328 ha. This land could be used for the establishment of forest
cultures where timber for industry and bioenergy could be produced.
The current conditions in Croatia give us reason to believe that there are
good possibilities for biodiesel production from rape seed (especially rape