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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2008 str. 35     <-- 35 -->        PDF

B. Pintarić: MIKROPROPAGACIJA BIJELE TOPOLE (Populus alba L.) Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXII (2008), 343-354
7. LITERATURA – References
Beganović, S. 2001. Klonska propagacija topole Međedović, S., Dž. Ferhatović, 2003. Klonska
(Populus tremula L.) u kulturi in vitro. Diplom- proizvodnja sadnica drveća i grmlja. Bemust,
ski rad. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Sarajevo. Sarajevo.

Chun, Y. W., R. B. Hall, L. C. Stephens, 1986. Smith, R. H., 2000. Plant tissue culture. Techniques
Influences of medium consistency and shoot and experiments. Second edition. Academic
density on in vitro shoot proliferation of Populus Press.
alba × P. grandidentata. Plant cell, tissue and Vin t e r h a l t e r, D., B. Vi n te r ha lt er, 1996. Kultuorgan
culture, 5(3): 179–185. ra in vitro i mikropropagacija biljaka, Axial,

Gözükirmizi, N., K. Bajrović, Z. Ipecki, M. Beograd.
Boydak, T. Akalp, K. Tunctaner, H. ™eograd.,,/gatunki/Populus_alba.htm
Balkan, H., Tanriyar, M. Calikoglu, T.

Ogras, Ö. Özden, M. Tulukcu, T. Tank,
1998. Genotype differencies in direct plant rege alamo-blanka-chopo-blanca.htm
neration from stem explants of Populus tremula
in Turkey. J. For. Res. 3: 123–126.
Je la s k a , S., 1994. Kultura biljnih stanica i tkiva,
Školska knjiga, Zagreb.

SUMMARY: The plant material used in this experiment derives from the
laboratory Firenza Scienza e Tecnologia Ambientali Forestali. It had already
been introduced into the culture so that in this paper we only conducted the
procedures of shoot multiplication, shoot lengthening, shoot restoration and
their acclimatization. Namely, the plants were taken from Erlenmeyer flasks
in sterile (aseptic) conditions. The damaged leaves and the callus were
removed with a scalpel. The tree was then segmented into individual explants
with at least one node of 1–2 cm. The dissected explants were transferred to
the fresh multiplication medium. The culture was multiplied in the basic medium:
modified Woody Plant Medium (WPM; MS /Murashige and Skoog/ macroelements,
WPM – microelements and vitamins) with the addition of

0.25 or 0.5 mg/l BA (6-benzyladenine).
The explants were transferred to fresh mediums every 28–35 days, which
in fact represented the subcultivation period (passaging) during the nine-
month duration of the experiment (from November 2006 to June 2007). The
growth of the explants was slowed or halted due to impoverished nutrients,
the drying of the agar, the production of poisonous bioproducts and lower
quantity of oxygen in the flask. Therefore, only the healthy tissue was subcultivated.
The shoots were multiplied in multiplication mediums; in other
words, new shoots were differentiated by induction from lateral buds.
Approximately one month later new lateral branches could easily be identified
and removed from the parent tree. At this period it was noticed that the
shoots behaved differently in the mentioned mediums. In order to assess
potential multiplication and the multiplication rate of a given species, the
potential explants were separated from the parent explant and transferred to
the new medium.
The shoot multiplication rate in these mediums varied and amounted to

5.36 per explant for M1 medium and to 5.86 for M2 medium during the first
five passages. However, in the subsequent passages the lines were clearly
separated and the number of new shoots per explant on M1 medium dropped
to the average 1.8; whereas it rose to 13.45 per explant on M2 medium.
The growth rate of the plant material of white poplar under in vitro conditions
was proportionate to the multiplication rate in both types of multiplica