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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2008 str. 2 <-- 2 --> PDF |
RIJEČ GLAVNOGA UREDNIKA PRISTIGLA DOBRA VIJEST UREDNIŠTVU I AUTORIMA ČLANAKA “ŠUMARSKOGA LISTA” Tijekom srpnja 2008. godine urednik “Šumarskoga lista” primio je pismo od firme Thomson Scientific iz Philadephie USA kako je naš časopis uvršten od prvoga dvobroja 2008. godine u Thomson Reuters produkte i informacijske usluge. Počevši od broja 1–2/2008. “Šumarski list” bit će indeksiran i abstraktiran u sljedećem: Science Citation Indeks Expanded (poznat i kao Sci Search) i Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition U pismu se dalje navodi kako će “Šumarski list” u budućnosti biti evaluiran i uvršten u dodatne Thomson Reuters produkte te u informacijske usluge s ciljem zadovoljavanja potreba znanstvene i akademske istraživačke zajednice. Pismo je potpisao gospodin Marian H o l l i n g s w o r t h , direktor Publisher Relations. Vijest koju smo ovim pismom primili za naše uredništvo, našega izdavača Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo, a posebice za autore znanstvenih članaka, vrlo je značajna. Časopis je puno dobio na ugledu, dok autori njegovim uvrštenjem u bibliografsku bazu SCI za svoj objavljeni članak dobivaju najvišu moguću ocjenu, koja se znanstvenicima priznaje za napredovanje. Firmi Thomson Scientific posebno se zahvaljujem u ime uredništva i izdavača na uvrštenju “Šumarskoga lista” u bibliografsku bazu SCI, kao i na evaluaciji te uvrštenju u dodatne Thomson Reuters produkte i informacijske usluge. Prof. dr. sc. Branimir Prpić A WORD FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF THE EDITORIAL BOARD AND THE AUTHORS OF THE ARTICLES IN “FORESTRY JOURNAL” RECEIVE SOME EXCELLENT NEWS In July 2008, the editor of “Forestry Journal” received a letter from Thompson Scientific, Philadelphia, USA, informing him that our journal was listed in Thomson Reuters Products and Information Services from the first 2008 double issue. Starting with Number 1–2/2008, “Forestry Journal” has been indexed and abstracted in the following: Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as Sci Search), and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition The letter goes on to say that in the future “Forestry Journal” will be evaluated and included in additional Thompson Reuters products and information services for the purpose of satisfying the needs of the scientific and academic research community. The letter was signed by Ms Marian H o l l i n g s w o r t h , Director of Publisher Relations. This exciting news is of outstanding importance for our editorial board, our publisher, the Croatian Forestry Association, and the authors of scientific articles in particular. Our journal has thus gained in reputation, while the authors, by their insertion in the SCI bibliographic base receive the highest possible grade for their published articles, which is counted towards their advancement. On behalf of the Editorial Board and the Publisher, I would like to extend special thanks to Thompson Scientific for including “Forestry Journal” in the SCI bibliographic base, as well as on the evaluation and insertion in additional Thompson Reuters Products and Information Services. Professor Branimir Prpić, PhD Naslovna stranica – Front page: Sukcesija pionirskih vrsta drveća na napuštene pašnjačke površine, Gorski kotar (Hrvatska) Succession of pioneer tree species in abandoned pasturelands, Gorski Kotar (Croatia) (Foto – Photo: Željko Stipeć) Naklada 1880 primjeraka |