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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2008 str. 56     <-- 56 -->        PDF

D. Ballian, B. Giersberg, U. Tröber: GENETIÈKA VARIJABILNOST OBIÈNE TISE (Taxus baccata L.) ... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXII (2008), 431-443
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Summary: By biochemical markers, we analyzed the molecular genetic
structure of a part of natural populations of Common Yew (Taxus baccata L.)
in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For this analysis we used the material from 6 Yew populations. The genetic
variability was analyzed by usage of 6 enzyme systems, and we successfully
analyzed 6 gene loci who exhibited an adequate level of polymorphism. The
analysis included a total of 16 allele.

The average number of allele per locus varied between 1,83 and 2,33. By
the analysis we determined that the presence of significant variability within
the populations, that showed a discontinued character. A potential genotype
diversity varied between 162 and 1944, and the number of potential polymorphous
genetic loci varied between 66, 6 % and 83, 3 %. Gen pool diversity varied
between 1,208 and 1,564, and average real heterozygosis between 0,185
and 0,490, while the overall average realistic heterozygosis was 0,281 for all

Based on the obtained results as a result we can make numerous remarks
that are significant for carrying out the activities at protection of the autochthonous
gene fund of the Yew.

Thus, by the analysis of 6 isoenzyme gene loci there was determined the
existence of statistically significant differences among the studied populations,
and variability of the Common Yew that was determined have indicated
discontinued variability.

The differences were determined between the populations of Ozren and other
populations, including significant differentiation among them, and their
genetic distances were also considerable.

The results of the analysis of the Yew from Bosnia and Herzegovina indicated
the existence of specific allele in the studied populations, as opposed to
the larch from central and northern Europe, which means that our larch could
not be too far from its glacial stand. The populations are thus more resis